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First Duke Nukem DLC is free – for some

Is "full DLC. Not some silly skin".

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Those who pre-ordered upcoming first-person shooter Duke Nukem Forever or bought Borderlands Game of the Year edition get the game's first downloadable add-on for free.

Kotaku reports it's a "full DLC. Not some silly skin".

Yesterday the voice behind Duke Nukem hinted that Forever's DLC may be a little... odd.

"Even though the game is still finished, of course there will be special add-on packs and features including... I don't know if I am allowed to talk about this or not... something that may involve singing. I'll leave it at that," Jon St. John, the long-time voice of Duke, said.

Back in January Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford told Eurogamer the development team planned to discuss Duke Nukem Forever DLC with fans on its website after the game ships.

"As we wrap everything up completely and get closer to the launch date, our attentions can be allowed to think about the future again," he explained.

"Myself and other people from the Gearbox team will then talk about it with fans in the forums at"

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