Skip to main content Podcast 106: Guild Wars HQ! Eve Online Fanfest 2012!

MMO, MMO, I talk like a cow.

Check it OUT! God DAMN! We're SLAMMING Eurogamer Podcast 106 out right now! BAAAAAM!

Fresh from the Eve Online Fanfest 2012 in Iceland we have John Bedford. Fresh from Guild Wars 2 developer ArenaNet in USA we have Robert 'Bertie' Purchese. And fresh from his chair we have Tom chickety-Champion!

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Bertie spent two days at Guild Wars 2 HQ, rapping with the team, cruising the office, DESTROYING the game. What's the Guild Wars 2 crib like? What are the crazy cats making it like? What's Guild Wars 2 like? Bertie totally SPITS it.

Bedford and Bert talk MMOs - a snapshot from this week's podcast.

John jammed into Iceland for three MEGA space captain days. He laser-looked at hot PS3 shooter Dust 514, threw down with the CCP big guns, and fired gossip PROTONS!


And, yo, look out for Bertie's TOTAL TAKE on Guild Wars 2 maker ArenaNet soon. And keep those BAD eyes fixed for Bedford's DUST 514 preview on Friday, and Eve Fanfest 2012 SCRIPTURE next week.

Here's what Bedford's had to BUST OUT from Eve Fanfest 2012 so far.

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