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Paul Wedgwood to talk about Splash Damage's new direction at Rezzed

Brink dev boss presents the Saturday keynote session: "Independent, or Bust!"

Splash Damage CEO and game director Paul Wedgwood will deliver the Saturday keynote developer session speech at Rezzed next month.

Wedgwood will be taking to the sessions stage at noon on the second day of the show, Saturday 7th July, to present "Independent, or Bust!", in which he will talk about Splash Damage's new focus and work on projects like iPad and iPhone title Rad Soldiers.

"Splash Damage is living proof that you can succeed for more than a decade with no litigation, no redundancies, no debts, and no external investors, yet create original games, work on amazing IP, enjoy great staff retention, win hundreds of awards, entertain millions of gamers, make money, and still retain complete ownership of your studio," said Paul Wedgwood. "At my keynote for Rezzed, I'll explain exactly how we've achieved this with our underlying business strategy; 'Independent or Bust!'"

Splash Damage is also currently working on a "triple-A PC exclusive" while another of its titles is "planned for consoles". Its last game was PC, PS3 and 360 shooter Brink.

Earlier this year, Wedgwood addressed fans on Splash Damage's website to reveal that, following a number of key hires, the studio's focus would expand to include both "platforms we've previously visited (including the PC and the world's leading consoles), as well as exploring spaces completely new to us".

You'll be able to hear more at Rezzed: The PC and Indie Games Show next month. The show takes place in Brighton on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th July and is organised by Eurogamer (heyo) and our friends at Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

Head over to for the full developer sessions and game line-up announced so far. Tickets are £12 for one day or £20 for both.

We'll have more news on games and sessions for you very soon. So far we've announced that Creative Assembly will give you a glimpse at the future of Total War, while Introversion's showing Prison Architect (and letting you play it), Stainless will discuss Kickstarter development and Carmageddon Reincarnation, and Borderlands 2 will be playable for the first time in the UK.

There's much more to come. Hope to see you there!

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