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Stunning Grand Theft Auto 4 graphics mod iCEnhancer releases final build

Liberty pretty.

The final version of Grand Theft Auto 4 graphics mod iCEnhancer has been released.

iCEnhancer 2.1 will be the last iteration of the mod, which bestows a vastly enhanced version of the game's graphical tech.

The mod, created by 21-year-old French coder Haysam Keilany, is available to download for free from

You'll need to patch a retail version of GTA4 to the build, download the quick tool Xliveless to replace a .dll file in the GTA4 directory, then finally download iCEnhancer 2.1. NeoGAF has more detailed instructions.

Keilany is now working on a similar mod for Minecraft, and has also experimented with Skyrim.

Watch a time-lapse montage of souped-up Grand Theft Auto 4 footage to see what iCEnhancer 2.1 can do:

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