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Dean Hall presenting Eurogamer Expo dev session on standalone DayZ

Rocket propelled.

With the show now less than a month away, we're thrilled to reveal that Dean "Rocket" Hall, the lead developer on the immensely successful ArmA II: Combined Ops modification DayZ, will present an extended developer session at this year's Eurogamer Expo.

Hall will be on stage at 4pm on Thursday 27th September for over an hour to talk about DayZ's upcoming transition from an ArmA II mod to a standalone game. The session will also include an open Q&A so the audience can quiz him about specifics on the game in its current and future form.

We still have a bunch of sessions left to reveal for this year's show - we're working on announcement approval with developers and publishers as fast as possible - but you can get a decent picture of the line-up on the developer sessions schedule page on the official site. Highlights announced so far include Hideo Kojima, Peter Molyneux, Frank O'Connor, Criterion Games and GRID 2.

Hopefully you've been keeping abreast of the show floor line-up, too, which includes everything from Assassin's Creed 3 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

The Eurogamer Expo takes place from 27th-30th September at Earls Court, London. Tickets are available at

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