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Bohemia "would be stupid" not to bring DayZ to consoles

Producer cites Minecraft's XBLA success, hints at digital release.

It's no secret that cult ArmA 2 mod DayZ will be getting a standalone PC release, courtesy of publisher Bohemia Interactive. The big question now is, will the game also come to consoles?

"Well, duh", is the paraphrased answer from producer Jan Kunt.

"You've seen the success of Minecraft on Xbox LIVE Arcade, and we'd probably be stupid not to try to do something similar," Kunt told while showing off Bohemia's new take on RTS classic Carrier Command.

Minecraft has clocked up four million sales on Live Arcade in just over three months. Who wouldn't want a taste of that pie?

"We've always wanted to make games for consoles as well," Kunt explained. "Obviously we're a PC developer and have been for some years, but consoles have a huge market and you don't have so many problems with piracy.

"So it's really interesting. PC is what it is, and I personally think PC players will stay as PC players, but the console has more penetration into mainstream markets. People who wouldn't play games on PC, they buy an Xbox or PS3 as a medium to play games. So from that point of view it makes sense to go for consoles."

Eurogamer's own James Hill delved into the game in a series of video diaries. You can watch his first adorable Bambi-style steps into DayZ's ruthless zombie world below.

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