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Quest for Glory creators take to Kickstarter with Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption

Channels Persona by way of an early 90's Sierra game.

Quest for Glory creators Lori Ann and Corey Cole have followed in the footsteps of so many adventure game creators from the early 90s - like Tim Schafer, Jane Jensen, and Two Guys From Andromeda - to create their own Kickstarter to fund a spiritual successor to their cult-classic Sierra series.

Developed in association with MacGuffin's Curse developer Brawsome, their upcoming Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is described as a "turn-based RPG with adventure game puzzles and immersive story."

Unlike the point-and-click Quest for Glory series, Hero-U will be played from a 2D top-down perspective. "We are using this approach because it will let us include the best story and game play, while staying within our budget limitations," said the developer on Kickstarter.

The developer cited Persona's rich character relationships as an inspiration and indeed Hero-U shares a similar premise where you're a student at an academy who must forge relationships with other students, fight monsters, solve puzzles, and engage in a story that changes based on how you play. As a would-be thief forced to enroll in the academy to turn his life around, you must decide if you want to work towards becoming a rogue hero or a thief.

The Coles noted that several characters' stories have been planned for future games, so if successful this could turn into a long-running series. Quest for Glory was notable for allowing you to import character data between games ala Mass Effect. Remember, this series started in 1989, so that was mighty impressive back then.

As far as rewards go, $20 will grant players access to the final game when it's due circa October 2013 plus access to the development forums and their name in the credits, while $35 gives you the same plus a digital artbook and soundtrack.

Incredibly, all six of the $1000 reward tiers have sold out, which gives backers the honour placing their chosen name, hero biography and picture in the game, as well as a receive a supersized canvas art print, yearbook, and an autographed boxed copy of Hero-U. All three of the $2500 reward tiers have sold out too, allowing the same benefits plus the honour of having one of the wings in the game named after them. Quest for Glory may have a niche fanbase, but a shockingly dedicated one it seems.

As of writing this, Hero-U has received $106,612 towards its $400,000 goal with 28 days to go before its 20th November deadline.

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