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Quantic Dream registers domain for

Beyond beyond.

A curiously titled domain name could lead to the some tantalising hints regarding Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream's future endeavor after the Ellen Paige-starring supernatural drama Beyond: Two Souls.

Quantic Dream has registered the domain name for, as spotted by Kotaku's sleuth Superannuation. In the past, Quantic Dream's domains such as and noted the studio's game titles followed by their platform. This suggests that Quantic Dream is planning to make a game called Singularity for the PlayStation 4. This also suggests that Sony's successor to the PS3 will indeed be called the PlayStation 4, rather than Orbis.

The title Singularity hearkens back to the studio's Kara tech demo, which creative lead David Cage told Eurogamer was in part inspired by Ray Kurzweil's speculative book The Singularity is Near. This suggests a project in keeping with Kara's themes of technology racing outside of humanity's grasp.

Of course, Singularity is already the title of a recent first-person shooter by Raven Software and Activision currently holds the trademark for the title in multiple territories. Quantic Dream could always get around this by adding a subtitle, like Singularity: What's in the Kara?

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