Dragon Age: Legends dev BioWare San Francisco shuts down - report
"Transition is our Friend."
EA has shut down BioWare San Francisco, according to a new report.
Sources told GamesRader the studio, formerly EA2D, was closed with its entire staff of 30 let go.
BioWare San Francisco made social game spin-offs of EA's big franchises, including Dragon Age: Journeys, Dragon Age: Legends and Mirror's Edge 2D.
GamesRadar said the studio was closed after EA decided it was too expensive to run. BioWare San Francisco was based in EA's Redwood City, California flagship campus. EA declined to comment when contacted by Eurogamer this morning.
The closure tallies with EA Labels president Frank Gibeau's February 2013 blog post, titled "Transition is our Friend", that confirmed layoffs at studios housed in Los Angeles, Montreal and "some smaller locations".
Gibeau blamed the layoffs on the realignment sparked by the transition to the next-generation of consoles.