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Danish TV channel sorry for using Assassin's Creed screenshot to illustrate Syria news report

Employee thought it was a photo of Damascus' skyline.


Whoops! A Danish telly channel has been forced to apologise for using a screenshot of Assassin's Creed as a backdrop for a news report about the war-torn country of Syria.

Apparently one of the telly channel's employees found the image online and thought it was a photo of Damascus' skyline.

Jacob Nybroe, head of news at telly channel TV2, said it was a "reminder to us all of the importance of verifying the sources of pictures", reported Times of Israel.

Not bad going for a video game that will turn six years old later this year.

It's not the first TV channel to make a boo-boo and mistakenly use an image from a game in a news report. Last year, the BBC mucked up and used Halo's UNSC logo instead of the United Nation's.

Then there was the time ITV confused a video clip of war game ArmA 2 for real-life footage of a Libya-funded IRA attack.

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