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Battlefield 4 screenshots hit the internet ahead of debut trailer

UPDATE: Now the BF4 teaser trailer has leaked.

UPDATE: The teaser trailer for Battlefield 4 has leaked online.

The video, which looks like a TV spot, popped up on YouTube about an hour ago, ahead of the full reveal of the game at GDC later tonight. The video is below.

Watch on YouTube

ORIGINAL STORY: Battlefield 4 screenshots have hit the internet ahead of the release of the game's debut trailer later tonight.

Three screenshots were found on the official Battlefield Blog directory and hit Twitter soon after.

The first screenshot is called Crashsite, and shows a soldier, who I reckon looks a bit like Joey from Friends, concerned about a downed comrade.


The second screenshot is called Close, and depicts two soldiers standing inside an interior.


The third and final screenshot is called Construction, and looks like an in-game screenshot lifted from the series' first-person perspective.


EA will reveal Battlefield 4 in just over four hours (6am GMT) at an event at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Eurogamer's US news editor Jeffrey Matulef will be there and reporting from that time.

The DICE-made shooter is rumoured to be a cross-generation title, that is, available for the PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and the next Xbox.

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