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Microsoft's E3 press conference

Halo Master Chief Collection with Halo 5 beta! New Crackdown! Scalebound! Everything that happened.

It's all over! There were games galore in Microsoft's rammed E3 conference, including confirmation of the Halo Master Chief Collection for Xbox One, featuring Halos 1-4 - with a remastered Halo 2 in time for its 10-year anniversary - and beta access for Halo 5. We also heard about new Crackdown, a PlatinumGames exclusive called Scalebound and loads of other stuff.

Games, games, games, as advertised, then. Read our full live text coverage below, and check out our E3 2014 guide for an overview of what else is happening at E3.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hello everyone! The "pre-show" for Microsoft's conference starts at 5pm BST / 6pm CET, followed by the conference itself at half past. Let us know what you're expecting to see in the comments. (As in, what you're expecting to see at the conference - we all know what we're expecting to see in the comments.)

Tom Bramwell

ShiftBreaker: Goat Simulator: Kinect Edition or bust.

This is an important point.

Robert Purchese

My prediction: Phil Spencer is revealed to be Frank Spencer, and it's a slapstick romp thereafter

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

Wes and I are proper eager beavers. We're among the first 500 here. Our reward is standing in a holding pen in one of the Galen Center's basketball courts.

Martin Robinson

Favourite rumour so far is that Microsoft has a six month exclusive on the next Red Dead, and it's being shown here today.

Martin Robinson

kamps09: Gamespot stream window says that livestream starts in 42 minutes.

We're told it's kicking off at 9.30 our time, which is in an hour and a half.

Martin Robinson

-cerberus-: Anyone else got a bottle of scotch handy, just in case?

Got one in my hand right now, taking hearty slugs while we wait in the pen.

Martin Robinson

Wes can feel Xbox One GTA 5 in his bones. Which sounds a bit painful.

Martin Robinson

Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima is already in there. He just tweeted this...

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

I hope the conference starts with Phil Spencer moonwalking onto the stage to the sound of this amazing title card hold music.

Tom Bramwell

Tom Phillips

Our first view of the Xbox conference stage, from Watch Dogs boss Jonathan Morin. Too early for a sequel announce, surely?

Tom Phillips

Are the wristbands Microsoft is issuing - seen here modelled by GamesIndustry's Dan Pearson - purely cosmetic? Timely jolts of electricity ought to keep the energy up.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

Here we go! Pre-shoooooow!

Tom Bramwell

Pre-show starts with Major Nelson on the green carpet hanging out with Graeme Boyd, harassing people as they head inside. Yusuf Mehdi! Ken Lobb! Etc!

Tom Bramwell

And now Dan Greenawalt from Turn 10 has turned up in some sort of expensive car. No idea what it is.

Tom Bramwell

It was a Lamborghini Aventador, says Dan. Thanks Dan.

Tom Bramwell

Graeme's disappeared off inside with Greenawalt, leaving Major Nelson to hobnob with Alex Rigopulos from Harmonix about Fantasia.

Tom Bramwell

Alex is talking about this amazing control system they've got for Fantasia. Kinect or something?

Tom Bramwell

Now they're chatting to Frank O'Connor and Bonnie Ross from 343, giving us another chance to try to figure out Frank's accent.

Tom Bramwell

We're expecting more on Halo 5 and that rumoured Halo collection in the conference, obv.

Tom Bramwell

And here's a quick look at something new to do with Achievements. You'll be able to use Achievements in Snap mode. It will order them based on how close you are to unlocking them, or you can pin the ones you're keen on to the top.

Tom Bramwell

This stuff is coming later this year. There will also be a help button next to Achievements that sends you through to web searches on how to complete them.

Tom Bramwell

Robert Purchese

Ted Price from Insomniac has just turned up in a Sunset Overdrive bus. "We've never had a bus from any of our other games."

Tom Bramwell

Robert Purchese

Sounds like Ted Price will be on stage during the conference showing off the game. Perhaps we'll get a release date?

Tom Bramwell

Major Nelson has some Killer Instinct news next.

Tom Bramwell

It's a trailer of TJ Combo. Killer Instinct Season 2 coming fall 2014 courtesy of Iron Galaxy Studios.

Tom Bramwell

Now Respawn's Abbie Heppe has joined Major Nelson to talk about Titanfall. They're showing a new mode at E3.

Tom Bramwell

Next up: iOS app Threes is coming to Xbox One as part of the ID@Xbox programme.

Tom Bramwell

So we're chatting to developer Asher Volmer. "It seemed like a natural fit," he says - sounds like it's going to be a Snap app that you could play while you're watching Netflix or something.

Tom Bramwell

Major Nelson is kicking it over to Graeme Boyd to see the inside of the Galen Center. They've used this place for a few years. It's nice! It has decent Wi-Fi. Cool story, right?

Tom Bramwell

"You're going to see so many amazing things today. You're going to see games, you're going to see games and you're going to see... games."

Tom Bramwell

Aha, back to Major Nelson, who is chatting to Rod Fergusson from Black Tusk.

Tom Bramwell

Black Tusk is working on a new Gears of War game, although they've only been at it for a few months so there's nothing to show yet.

Tom Bramwell

We're inside, though the wi-fi is super-flakes. I can tell you it's very green! And we're sat beside one of the hyper-speakers, so I expect my ears to melt at some point.

Martin Robinson

Nice to see so many of the smaller announcements being made before the show itself. Not to detract from them - Threes is an odd fit but an obviously excellent game, and the core will surely be happy with more Killer Instinct.

Martin Robinson

Oh hey, Xbox 360 F2P game Happy Wars is coming to Xbox One and you can take content between the two. There's four-player split-screen too.

Tom Bramwell

Right then, that's it for the pre-show. Time to count down to the real thing, which should begin at 5.30pm BST.

Tom Bramwell

Five minutes and counting...

Martin Robinson

Robert Purchese

Here we go!

Tom Bramwell

Here's Phil Spencer! "Good morning everyone and welcome to E3. It's an honour to be with you today."

Tom Bramwell

He says Microsoft shares a common goal with Sony and Nintendo this week - to show that games are great.

Tom Bramwell

This generation is off to a great start, he says. He says thank you to everyone who has bought an Xbox One and especially for the feedback that is helping them update the console with new features on a regular basis.

Tom Bramwell

"Today we're dedicating our entire briefing to games," he says. Big round of applause.

Tom Bramwell

Robert Purchese

"Our goal is to make Xbox One the best place to play games in this generation." He's going to show some of the games we already know about that are coming soon, then later on newer stuff.

Tom Bramwell

First up, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Xbox owners will be the first to play all of the add-on content, says Spencer.

Tom Bramwell

The demo doesn't start under water for once. We're in some sort of space helicopter or something. It's just crashed, which is a blow.

Tom Bramwell

The guys inside all have fancy looking equipment and screens popping over their heads. They're busting open the door and heading out.

Tom Bramwell

Looks like the space chopper's crashed halfway up a building. The guys head into the interior and spy drones in the next room. "Contact!"

Tom Bramwell

They need to drop down a huge distance, but fortunately they have booster things to avoid taking fall damage. They head out into the streets, looks like Seoul, with neon ad signs cracked in half on nearby skyscrapers and paper and debris everywhere.

Tom Bramwell

Oh look, some sort of mobile command centre. Time to bark stuff at each other. Let's head two clicks over that way.

Tom Bramwell

"Everyone, keep your eyes open." Is he talking to me?

Tom Bramwell

Ooh, it's a stompy walkery robot thing. Good thing I had my eyes open.

Tom Bramwell

Iron sights shooting! Two guys down. Our guy boost-jumps up onto a bus shelter (confirmed: buses exist in the near future) to get a better shot.

Tom Bramwell

Good lord this is loud. We'll have more on the new CoD for you on the site tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

There's a swarm of drone enemies moving through the sky around the player like a flying snake of buzzing metal. One of the other guys grabs a door off a car to use as a riot shield.

Tom Bramwell

We skip ahead now and now we're iron-sights blasting people from behind cover, highlighting them in red using some sort of see-through-wallsy overlay wojim.

Tom Bramwell

Now we're firing a laser through a transparent kind of riot shield, then tossing grenades that sprout little wings and go flying off to find their enemies.

Tom Bramwell

Like how the UI's been integrated into the weapons - obviously a neat connection to Sledgehammer's former life working on Dead Space.

Martin Robinson

"Mitchell, over here." Yes! Time to plant a charge on something! Oh no, your man has his arm caught in the door, that's inconvenient.

Tom Bramwell

Aha, we were planting a charge on some sort of dropship, which has just taken off and exploded. Now stuff has fallen on top of us and we're in trouble. "Mitchell! Mitchell! Need immediate medivac! Stay with me, you're gonna be alright." Sorry, I've got something in my eye.

Tom Bramwell

Oh no, my arm's come off!

Tom Bramwell

I wish it was Hackney-spec Idris Elba they had in it though. Or even better, Mandela-spec.

Martin Robinson

And that's it, I think. Oh no, a little wizbang montage first. Flashes of Kevin Spacey etc.

Tom Bramwell

That's it for COD. Bye COD.

Tom Bramwell

Next up, Dan Greenawalt from Turn 10 Studios. He says he's inspired by our passion for cars and racing, which is just as well.

Tom Bramwell

Nurburgring is coming to Forza Motorsport 5, says Dan. And it's going to be available starting... today!

Tom Bramwell

And it's free!

Tom Bramwell

Playground Games is taking the stage now to talk about Forza Horizon 2. It's Ralph Fulton, creative director.

Tom Bramwell

He says the game's got over 200 of the world's greatest cars, great music and stunning vistas. Uses Forza 5's graphics engine, full day/night cycle, dynamic weather, all in 1080p.

Tom Bramwell

Drivatar is back too. "Your Forza 5 drivatar is already playing in Forza Horizon 2." Also: dedicated servers, no lobbies, no waiting.

Tom Bramwell

You can create a club, too. A sort of... drive... club.

Tom Bramwell

Forza Horizon 2 is out on 30th September, says Fulton.

Tom Bramwell

The trailer has lots of cars in it. Pretty ones.

Tom Bramwell


Tom Bramwell

2K Games' Evolve is next.

Tom Bramwell

This is the asymmetrical multiplayer game from the makers of Left 4 Dead, but hey, I didn't need to tell you that.

Tom Bramwell

We reckon this tentacley monster guy in the trailer is a new reveal. He looks like a mini Cloverfield.

Tom Bramwell

Exclusive beta on Xbox One and DLC first too.

Tom Bramwell

Vincent Pontbriand from Ubisoft is showing off Assassin's Creed Unity. It's going to have four-player online multiplayer co-op in their biggest ever environment, Paris.

Tom Bramwell

Robert Purchese

Our assassin is in a bluey green outfit, moving through an incredibly busy Parisian marketplace - the one from the original footage. He and a fellow assassin coordinate their attacks on guards to allow peasants to break through.

Tom Bramwell

Moving away from the crowd, he heads into a detailed building interior and eavesdrops on a conversation.

Tom Bramwell

Being able to move from outdoors to detailed interiors is a step forward. Having other assassins to take care of guards when they spot you is handy too.

Tom Bramwell

It looks bloody handsome, though.

Martin Robinson

It's gloriously detailed, with lovely lighting. Revolutionary France at its most decadent is a good match for next-gen Assassin's tech.

Tom Bramwell

Robert Purchese

Now we're getting all four players' windows on screen at once to demonstrate their individual perspectives. They're zeroing in on a target...

Tom Bramwell

And they've thrown him out to the crowd! Nice.

Tom Bramwell

Well that's got the biggest round of applause yet.

Martin Robinson

Now his head's on a spike.

Tom Bramwell

So that was Assassin's Creed Unity.

Tom Bramwell

"Merci beaucoup." Oui oui!

Tom Bramwell

Here's Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Tom Bramwell

"Premiere content first on Xbox", whatever that means.

Tom Bramwell

Lots of colourfully bleak environments. Waterfalls, rivers, castles, deserts, that sort of thing.

Tom Bramwell

Coming 7th October, in case you'd forgotten.

Tom Bramwell

Right, what's this then.

Tom Bramwell

Some sort of military dude is hiding behind a crate being shot at. He looks left and there's a door with Insomniac Games written on it. A spiky-haired dude bursts in and gnarly music starts playing.

Tom Bramwell

It's Sunset Overdrive, obviously. Gnarly dude swoops around on ziplines dealing with the guys who were shooting at the soldier.

Tom Bramwell

Can you save Sunset City from loads of mutants? "Of course you can, it's a f***ing video game."

Tom Bramwell

Insomniac's Ted Price is on stage and he's going to lead a live demo. We'll be trying to get across the city.

Tom Bramwell

It's already bonkers, ziplining and rail-grinding around a fairground like Tony Hawk, blowing up mutants in colourful ways.

Tom Bramwell

A massive enemy with a blobby mutant arm called a Herker is trying to take you down, but you blow it to pieces with a fiery weapon.

Tom Bramwell

And now we're on an actual rollercoaster track. The traversal is really fast - getting around the city looks like a blast.

Tom Bramwell

There's an eight-player mode called Chaos Squad, too, and the game's due out 28th October.

Tom Bramwell

Ooh, here's a new Dead Rising arcade game. "Cosplay as your favourite Capcom character." 1-4 player online. Super moves. Power-ups.

Tom Bramwell

It's called Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arecade Remix Hyper Edition DX Plus Alpha. Available now.

Tom Bramwell

DLC for Dead Rising 3, obv.

Tom Bramwell

Alex Rigopulos is on stage from Harmonix in front of a Dance Central logo.

Tom Bramwell

Dance Central Spotlight, a new digital-only title is due out in September, he says.

Tom Bramwell

He's going to show us a bit of Fable Legends.

Tom Bramwell

They're coming thick and fast now. Here's David Eckelberry from Lionhead.

Tom Bramwell

Albion looks nice on Xbox One.

Tom Bramwell

We're assembling a little gang of heroes in a town square before heading out into a foresty area to smack people around.

Tom Bramwell

Lots of good olde Englandy banter along the way, of course.

Tom Bramwell

Freezing enemies solid, hacking away at them with swords, etc.

Tom Bramwell

Eckelberry says the game's vision is for more than just co-op Fable, so they're letting you be the villain, too. As the villain you control the world from above like a god. Or a Dungeon Keeper, I suppose.

Tom Bramwell

The four heroes are taking on a massive ogre. "I think I chose the wrong underwear for this one," says one of our heroic band.

Tom Bramwell

Working together they manage to shoot it in the ass, then freeze it solid and smash it to pieces.

Tom Bramwell

Fable Legends' multiplayer beta starts this autumn.

Tom Bramwell

Here's a quick look at Project Spark, which is on Xbox One and PC and is coming this Christmas.

Tom Bramwell

This is the one where you... You know, it's the LittleBigPlanet one.

Tom Bramwell

They're showing a new Galaxies tileset for it in this trailer, I think. And they've got Conker from Conker's Bad Fur Day for some reason.

Tom Bramwell

This next thing looks nice. Moon Studios. A 2D game with a lovely art style.

Tom Bramwell

The animation is gorgeous. Almost Ghibli esque. Nice music too.

Tom Bramwell

It's called Ori and the Blind Forest.

Tom Bramwell

Aaron Greenberg just tweeted that Ori is "another holiday exclusive".

Tom Bramwell


Tom Bramwell

Lovely CG. I'm no expert, but it looks like a sexier version of the Halo 2 intro.

Tom Bramwell

I really am no expert - it's Halo 5.

Tom Bramwell

Right, Bonnie Ross from 343 is on stage to talk about it. Halo 5 is about Master Chief's journey, his past and his future, says Ross.

Tom Bramwell

The intro had the Arbiter's voice over the top, I think, but what do I know etc.

Tom Bramwell

OK, on 11th November 2014, you'll get Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which is Halo 1-4 on Xbox One.

Tom Bramwell

It's all four existing Halo games, then, and everything we get to see today is in the Master Chief Collection.

Tom Bramwell

Day Ayoub from 343 is on stage to talk about it.

Tom Bramwell

The Master Chief Collection has all four games on a single disc and everything is unlocked from the start.

Tom Bramwell

You can make a custom playlist to play through moments from any game in any order.

Tom Bramwell

Halo 2 is getting the Anniversary treatment, too, with redone visuals that you can switch on and off as you like. Has original Halo 2 MP just as it was 10 years ago as well.

Tom Bramwell

And they've remade two maps from scratch as well.

Tom Bramwell

We're watching them play remastered Halo 2 multiplayer live.

Tom Bramwell

The Master Chief Collection has over 100 multiplayer maps - everything released from Halo 1-4, all running 1080p60 on dedicated servers.

Tom Bramwell

And it will ship with 4000 Gamerscore so you can unlock all those old cheevos again.

Tom Bramwell

Halo TMCC also has Halo Nightfall, the TV series announced last year.

Tom Bramwell

And The Master Chief Collection ALSO includes access for a Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer beta, which starts in December.

Tom Bramwell

Phil Spencer's back.

Tom Bramwell

Looks like we're moving into the part of the conference dedicated to what's next - in 2015 and beyond. "We're also investing in new IP, familiar franchises and continued investment in Xbox Live."

Tom Bramwell

This is a first look at a new game from Playdead, which will debut on Xbox One in 2015.

Tom Bramwell

It's another 2D game, by the looks of it, set in some sort of Orwellian society. The main character seems to be a young boy - we see him evading dogs, search beams, swimming under water, panting in fear.

Tom Bramwell

It's called Inside.

Tom Bramwell

Aaaand here's Chris Charla from ID@Xbox.

Tom Bramwell

Charla heads up ID@Xbox. He's reminding us of the things the programme does to help developers self-publish on Xbox One.

Tom Bramwell

Here's a montage of indie games heading to Xbox One.

Tom Bramwell

Knight Squad, Plague Inc Evolved, White Night, Earthlock: Festival of Magic, Cuphead...

Tom Bramwell

Hyper Light Drifter, Lifeless Planet, Slash Dash, Fru, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime...

Tom Bramwell

Mighty No. 9, Grave, Threes, FenixRage, Woolfe, #IDARB, Hellraid.

Tom Bramwell

And of course Below.

Tom Bramwell

They're not all exclusive to Xbox One, but they are heading there.

Tom Bramwell

Next up is something new. A psychiatrist is talking to a woman telling her to explore new horizons, intercut with footage of her exploring... TOMBS PERHAPS.

Tom Bramwell

Rise of the Tomb Raider, coming holiday 2015.

Tom Bramwell

And here's CD Projekt Red, on stage to talk The Witcher 3. We're going to see some new gameplay.

Tom Bramwell

Here's Geralt in a wood. He's tracking monsters. It is a very nice looking wood.

Tom Bramwell

When you hit an enemy, it leaves a blood trail that you can follow through the vast wilderness open world.

Tom Bramwell

Geralt moves into a little village where the locals start hacking away at him. He's more than a match for them, obviously.

Tom Bramwell

He just chopped that guy in half!

Tom Bramwell

Cor, it really is good looking. Geralt's climbing a mountain now in beautiful early evening sun, leaping gaps and tracking his griffin.

Tom Bramwell

You get a great sense of how open the world is from this demo. Which is not ending well for the griffin.

Tom Bramwell

Now Ken Lobb's on stage to talk Killer Instinct.

Tom Bramwell

Ooh, he's not talking Killer Instinct.

Tom Bramwell

It's a remake of something else from the old Xbox days. Phantom Dust!

Tom Bramwell

It's Phantom Dust! Remastered with all-new gameplay and graphics.

Tom Bramwell

And here's Ryan Barnard from Massive to show us The Division, presumably.

Tom Bramwell

We're going to get a bit of a deeper look. "New content first on Xbox One," by the way.

Tom Bramwell

We're in the subway beneath New York, checking out an overview of the city using a cool holographic HUD overlay thingy.

Tom Bramwell

The platforms are strewn with rubble and abandoned suitcases. The trains are stopped dead. They pull up more holographics to see what the last people at the station were up to - legging it, apparently.

Tom Bramwell

Lots of bodybags as they head out of the station exit.

Tom Bramwell

Outside on the ruined streets, we're in cover checking out a bunch of prospective targets. Switching through skills using little contextual menus.

Tom Bramwell

"I'll pull aggro from the leeeft here." Go go go.

Tom Bramwell

They're chattering away to each other as they call out targets and pick off enemies. Adapting tactics as they go is nice and fluid.

Tom Bramwell

Flashy demo. Game's coming 2015.

Tom Bramwell

Ooh, here's Hideki Kamiya with... an Xbox One-exclusive original game!

Tom Bramwell

"Prepare to see action at a whole new scale," says the PlatinumGames man.

Tom Bramwell

A young blonde-haired guy in a forest is assailed by giant kaiju-style enemies and takes them out stylishly with bow and sword. It's called Scalebound.

Tom Bramwell

No time to rest! David Jones is on stage. Gotta be Crackdown, right? Whatever it is, it's powered by an army of dedicated servers.

Tom Bramwell


Tom Bramwell

It's the voice of the Agency, telling a Los Muetos kingpin that his days are numbered.

Tom Bramwell

Agents, let's play.

Tom Bramwell

It's still cel-shaded. Looks like you can bring down buildings, too, flying into them with bomb-covered lorries.

Tom Bramwell

Haha, the explosion sends the building flying into the kingpin's lair.

Tom Bramwell

Doubt that was in-game, but as a statement of intent, we'll have it. It's just called Crackdown.

Tom Bramwell

Phil Spencer's back, says it's great to have Crackdown back, with a team led by Dave Jones.

Tom Bramwell

This is just the beginning, says Spencer. MS will continue to invest and bring new features to the system.

Tom Bramwell

"Thank you for making your voice heard - and thank you for helping us shape the future of the new Xbox."

Tom Bramwell

Little montage now - Evil Within, Halo, Dance Central, all the good stuff.

Tom Bramwell

And we're done!

Tom Bramwell

That definitely felt like an improvement on last year's conference, then, but will it be enough?

Tom Bramwell

Thanks to all of YOU for watching and reading along. We'll be back in an hour with EA's conference, then Ubi at 11pm and Sony at 2am.

Tom Bramwell

Read this next