Lords of the Fallen walkthrough, guide and boss strategies
From killing every boss to looting every last item, our entire walkthrough for Lords of the Fallen will help you out of even the tightest of spots.
If you've found yourself with a Dark Souls-sized hole in your life between DLC and sequel releases, Lords of the Fallen should go some way towards filling it - even if the overall execution isn't quite as compelling as that of its obvious source of inspiration.
Nevertheless, you'll find an entertaining assortment of grim creatures here, wandering around and making the place look untidy, not to mention plenty of intimidating boss creatures that want nothing more than to plant a sword through your face. These latter fights can put up a pretty stiff challenge too, so Souls aficionados should find plenty to enjoy here.
Lords of the Fallen guide and walkthrough
Lords of the Fallen - Shard of the Heroes, key, Kaslo, Ghost Merge Shard
Getting to grips with the earliest section of the game, and finding your first boss.
Lords of the Fallen - First Warden, shield, spinning attack, Persistence Greatsword
How to take down the first of the game's intimidating bosses.
Lords of the Fallen - Gauntlet, Yetka's Dagger, Key to the Catacombs, Attribute Point Shard
Where to get hold of your new combat ability, and how to finish off the side quest in this area.
Lords of the Fallen - Commander, Marauder, Rogue, Arrowhead, Commander Shield
Everything you need to know to take down the tougher second boss.
Lords of the Fallen - Temple Guardians fight and finding the Bloody Flint
A complete guide to grabbing all the goodies as you make your way to the next showdown.
Lords of the Fallen - Worshiper, Proving Grounds, Golem, boss attacks, pillars
Tactics for living through every last one of this boss's powerful abilities.
Lords of the Fallen - Tyrant Hearts, Tyrants, Ancient Plates, Spellcaster, Dimensional Hound
How to track down all the Tyrant Hearts and Ancient Plates in the next region of the game.
Lords of the Fallen - Infiltrator, strategy, attack patterns, combo, Fire Rune
Useful tips for avoiding the worst of the Infiltrator's damage patterns.
Lords of the Fallen - Human Skulls, Cell Key, Catacombs, Antanas, Monastery Citadel
Where to find more of those Human Skulls, and how to survive the prison cell section.
Lords of the Fallen - Champion, Rage Meter, combo, rewards
Everything you need to know to finish the fight with the Champion.
Lords of the Fallen - Demonic Guardian, locked chests, Harmony, Dimensions
Our walkthrough continues with a guide to making it to the showdown with the Beast.
Lords of the Fallen - Beast, Faith stat, Higher Fire Rune, Faithful Disciple
Struggling to best the Beast? Here's our boss guide to this meaty fight.
Lords of the Fallen - Human Tattoos, The Chamber of Lies, Small Western Antechamber Key
How to track down the Human Tattoos as you head towards the next boss fight.
Lords of the Fallen - Guardian, goblets, dash attack, combo, melee, ranged
Some essential tips that will help you make light work of the Guardian boss encounter.
Lords of the Fallen - Fire Golems, Empty Bottle, Sealed Runes, Tor
All the loot you should be hoovering up as you make your way towards the next boss fight.
Lords of the Fallen - Annihilator, Lightning damage, boss phases, stuns
How to simplify the showdown with the Annihilator, with equipment and combat tips.
Lords of the Fallen - Lost Brothers, Fire Brother, Lightning Brother, Planetarium Chest Key
Some essential tips to help you survive the fight with the Lost Brothers.
Lords of the Fallen - Judge, final boss, minions, Fire Resistance Shards
Everything you need to know to finish the final fight in style.
As you can see above, we've put together a complete walkthrough for the game that will not only take you right through the story, but also ensure you grab all the best loot and supplies as you fight your way through it. To keep spoilers to a minimum, each boss also has its own separate page. That way you can dip into it if you're struggling to bust your way through one particularly meaty fight, but do so without spoiling your general enjoyment of the game. Good luck!