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New Witcher 3 trailer has a bit of it all

"Drink with me you c**ksucker!"

It's out next month, The Witcher 3, and this is as close to a launch trailer as we may get.

It's got everything - a tapestry of shots teasing every aspect of the game, and with a slightly patronising narrator. But hey, not everyone follows the game as closely as we do.

It also has a brilliantly foul-mouthed dwarf who invites you pleasantly for a drink then calls you "c**ksucker" by way of address. There's a vampire with a potty-mouth too.

It's a trailer meant to give a broad overview of what kind of game The Witcher 3 is. You know already of course, but there's a lot of new footage so it doesn't hurt to look again.

Roll on 19th May.

Watch on YouTube

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