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Rebellion revives Battlezone for virtual reality headsets


Remember Battlezone, Atari's old tank combat game? It's back - as a virtual reality title.

UK developer Rebellion (Sniper Elite, Aliens vs. Predator) has rebooted Battlezone for release on Sony's Project Morpheus virtual reality headset and PC (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive). "Other platforms are to be confirmed," the Oxford-based studio said.

Battlezone is in fact a working title, so the name may change. But what won't is the first-person tank combat and the neon landscapes. Rebellion describes its effort as a "bold homage" to Atari's 1980 original.

Here's what Rebellion director Jason Kingsley had to say:

"When the original Battlezone came out in 1980 - long before we were developing games - Chris and I were among the many who made up its loyal arcade following.

"When we acquired the Battlezone rights two years ago we almost had to pinch ourselves! It really was a dream come true, so it's our aim to deliver the same revolutionary thrill of the original for a whole new generation. We want to use VR to truly capture the imagination of today's gamers, just as the original Battlezone captured ours."

Debut trailer is below.

Watch on YouTube

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