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Microsoft Gamescom 2015 conference live report

Quantum Break! Scalebound! Crackdown! Halo Wars 2! All the news as it happened.

You can all leave work now! It's done, it's a wrap, Microsoft's Gamescom presentation for 2015 is over. We got what we expected - Scalebound, Crackdown and Quantum Break - plus a little bit more, with Halo Wars 2 getting an announcement. Catch it all as it happened here.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hullo! We're in not so sunny Cologne where it's currently tipping it down ahead of today's big conference. Just over three hours to go 'til the main event.

Martin Robinson

Ugh, I'm useless with puns. Where's Bertie when you need him? Well, currently he's stepping on a plane making his way to Germany, where he'll be in pursuit of all the dragons throughout Gamescom.

Martin Robinson

muro: We are all now sat around trying to be the first one to come up with a pun with the word Quantum in it.

First one to come up with a decent pun gets a bratwurst from me.

Martin Robinson

LSi01: Doubt anyone will be able to remedy the lack of quantum puns

Oooh, you're close... Just a small frankfurter for you.

Martin Robinson

FogHeart: I think we are all agreed that mostly we quantum to give us a release date.

WE HAVE A WINNER. A sausage is in the post to you right now.

Martin Robinson

Fifteen minutes later, I realise that should have been WE HAVE A WIENER. Ah, life is full of such regrets.

Martin Robinson

rotmm: When is the Sony conference? I'm interested to see what they held back from E3 to show here.

Not until Paris Games Week at the end of October!

Martin Robinson

How's about getting Paul Merson to relay some of his stories?

Martin Robinson

Badoink: How long will the thing be?

The showcase starts at 5.30pm CEST - so I reckon 90 minutes.

Martin Robinson

Less than thirty minutes to go! The rain's clearing up in Gamescom. The clouds are parting. Phil Spencer will soon burst in from the heavens to satiate our desire for hot video game news.

Martin Robinson

Actually it's just started raining again. Tricky conditions out there for Phil and his team today.

Martin Robinson

They're all pacing around in their tracksuits to the side of the stage warming up, the Remedy team deep into a set of squat thrusts while Crystal Dynamics engage in some flamboyant star jumps.

Martin Robinson

We don't have the team sheets in just yet, but some reckon Phil will be playing Quantum Break up front, with Scalebound and Tomb Raider on the flanks. Halo will be between the sticks - safe pair of hands.

Martin Robinson

Expecting a strong showing from the big man with the number 5 today.

Martin Robinson

Alternatively - and I'm secretly hoping for this - it could all go England v San Marino and Phil Spencer could have his Graham Taylor moment. 'Do I not like that', as the Xbox One controller disconnects during the Scalebound demo.

Martin Robinson

Ah, if it's bang up to date football references from over 20 years ago you're after, you know EG's where it's at.

Martin Robinson

Lunastra78: Get ready for the surprise announcement that the Nintendo NX is short for Nintendo Xbox, a joint gaming venture that will feature launch games such as Gears of Zelda and Master Chiefs Wooly World.


Martin Robinson

Will we be getting much in the way of surprises during this show? I'm not even sure Microsoft need to right now - with Scalebound, Crackdown and Quantum Break there's enough to get stuck into.

Martin Robinson

We should also (hopefully) be seeing PressPlay's new game, and it's been a mighty long time since we've heard from PlayDead. Now's the time to break that silence, surely.

Martin Robinson

And anyway, it's *all* about Scalebound. King Kamiya returns, and he brings for us an action RPG that already looks all kinds of hot.

Martin Robinson

Proscenium watch! It's a bit spindly, with lighting rigs spoiling two lovely spidery chandeliers. Microsoft's Gamescom event is always a little more low key than its all-singing, all-dancing E3 show.

Martin Robinson

Have you tried playing the music backwards? Could reveal something. Alternatively - and more realistically - it'll still sound like a lazy, percussive guff.

Martin Robinson

60 second excito-trump!

Martin Robinson

Lunastra78: Is the stream re-watchable here after it finishes? Seems I have to leave on an urgent mission in 20 mins :(

It will be!

Martin Robinson

Malek86: If it doesn't start soon, this music will make me commit a crime.

It's already made me jaywalk.

Martin Robinson

And this show has started!

Martin Robinson

Portentous montage-me-do kicks us off (god they love this Man of Steel Hans Zimmer soundtrack).

Martin Robinson

Mate, ease off all this epic stuff. Most of us will be playing these games in our pants, and will be looking far from heroic.

Martin Robinson

I thought I had some deja vu... That was the same video from E3.

Martin Robinson

Gregor Bieler! This guy! Well, it's nice to have a little local flavour to kick us off.

Martin Robinson

But yeah, step aside Gregor. Let's have Phil on-stage.

Martin Robinson

And the regular squinting at Phil Spencer's t-shirt begins. What's he wearing under there?

Martin Robinson

Maybe today's the day we move beyond the Phil Spencer t-shirt meme - he'll just tear off his top and reveal his bare, oiled torso, screaming 'No games, only Phil'.

Martin Robinson

Probably Battletoads or something though, innit.

Martin Robinson

Speaking of Rare! Rare Replay launched today. We quite liked it - Dan Whitehead gave it a special gold star.

Martin Robinson

Lunastra78: Phil Spencer Pez Dispenser

I approve of this lovely nonsense.

Martin Robinson

Quantum Break's kicking us off with the games - and it's confirmed for 2016.

Martin Robinson

Aidan Gillen and Dominic Monaghan and oh my god this must have cost so much money... Well, they're all in it.

Martin Robinson

Having big-name actors in video games feels so 1998.

Martin Robinson

This shooty stuff looks great. I don't think you can really doubt Remedy's shooty stuff.

Martin Robinson

I'm still not entirely sold on the talky talky famous face stuff.

Martin Robinson

Ooooh it's all wibbly wobbly timey wimey.

Martin Robinson

Well, it's looking better every time we see it. Sam Lake is now on stage to tell us more.

Martin Robinson

Shawn Ashmore is on stage. I have no idea who this is.

Martin Robinson

Who can beat me to IMDB?

Martin Robinson

Oh, he was Iceman. I have seen all those X-Men films, and I couldn't remember him at all.

Martin Robinson

Crackdown next! And Dave Jones, who sports a very expensive looking pair of glasses, is on stage.

Martin Robinson

Also, he can't remember his lines.

Martin Robinson

It has a name now - Crackdown 3.

Martin Robinson

More importantly, it's also got gameplay.

Martin Robinson

Same cartoony styling, more buildings. There you go - that's my hot take.

Martin Robinson

Oh, so when you say gameplay... You mean we'll be watching over the shoulder of devs as they play in two second bursts. Okay!

Martin Robinson

Cor bli. 100 per cent destructible environments. Alright, I'm sold.

Martin Robinson

Summer 2016 release.

Martin Robinson

THIS GUY! THIS INCREDIBLE GUY! Hideki Kamiya on-stage.

Martin Robinson

The world of Drakonis - that'll be the world then.

Martin Robinson

The lead chap's still a jerk though.

Martin Robinson

It looks open world, with a mini-map in the corner as you work with your dragon to take down enemies.

Martin Robinson

More importantly, it looks bloody delicious.

Martin Robinson

There's loot and there's XP and there's hit-points. This is very much an RPG.

Martin Robinson

I just hope there's an option to shut that guy up.

Martin Robinson

And it's got four player co-op.

Martin Robinson

I would like to play that video game.

Martin Robinson

It's down for 'Holiday 2016'

Martin Robinson

I'm going on holiday next January, so maybe it's around then?

Martin Robinson

It's the television section. Quick, to the kettles!

Martin Robinson

Still, having Neil Patrick Harris during a conference makes me happy. Is he going to be in Quantum Break too?

Martin Robinson

vert1go: Who wants a drink? Anyone?

Whiskey sour please!

Martin Robinson

You don't have to clap a keyboard, everyone.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, a keyboard attachment for the Xbox One is coming later this year. As is a DVR.

Martin Robinson

All Games with Gold Xbox 360 games in the future will be backwards compatible.

Martin Robinson

God, I never realised compatible could be so hard to spell. Anyway, onwards to Killer Instinct for Windows 10.

Martin Robinson

Loveable, lovely Chris Charla now to take us through the ID@Xbox line-up.

Martin Robinson

And everything we're going to see is going to be for Windows 10 and Xbox One.

Martin Robinson

Igarashi's up on stage first, wearing a hat and a whip, of course.

Martin Robinson

A small plug here - you should check out Simon Parkin's profile of Igarashi from last year. It's rather good!

Martin Robinson

We're getting a Worms game during a Microsoft conference. Is this a new low?

Martin Robinson

LukehMuse: I can't believe he just casually skipped over Cities Skyline like that!

I completely missed that it's even coming - that's awesome news!

Martin Robinson

Thimbleweed Park, Ron Gilbert's nostalgic adventure game, is up next. It... It looks like an old adventure game, which is cool if that's your kind of thing.

Martin Robinson

More Xbox Preview games - Xbox One's early access programme - are coming. First Sheltered, and then Ark, which has been proving a hit on Steam.

Martin Robinson

Rivals of Aether, Starbound and We Happy Few are all also coming.

Martin Robinson

I've been playing a bit of We Happy Few recently - there's a feature on the site soon. It's cool, but it needs a lot of work before I'd recommend you dive in.

Martin Robinson

It's the Windows 10 section. Quick, to the minibar!

Martin Robinson

Here's a DirectX12 demo, produced by Square - I think it's what we saw earlier this year reheated for a post Windows 10 launch showing.

Martin Robinson

Back from the mini-bar with an armful of mini-bottles of spirits. Who wanted what again? Oh, and what did I miss?

Martin Robinson

Mojang is on-stage, and revealing that Cobalt is coming to Xbox One as a console exclusive.

Martin Robinson

Back to the core stuff! It's Dark Souls 3!

Martin Robinson

I'm playing it this week, and I'm all kinds of excited. At least 50 different kinds.

Martin Robinson

Cripes. I say. Crumbs! It all looks rather good - Bloodborne's jazz with Dark Soul's aesthetic.

Martin Robinson

This, I believe, is Homefront: The Revolution.

Martin Robinson

We went to go and see it a little while back, and there'll be a feature and some new gameplay on the site just after this conference.

Martin Robinson

Deep Silver knows how to do trailers.

Martin Robinson

CJ Kershner, who worked on the original Homefront - I think he's one of the few links between the two games.

Martin Robinson

That's it for your shoot-me-dos, so let's refresh the palate with a little soccer.

Martin Robinson

We saw this one last week too - there'll be a small piece up on it tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

I won't pretend to understand Ultimate Team, though. I just like that they refer to it as FUT. FUT FUT FUT FUT.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Stop trying to make fut happen.

Martin Robinson

It's back to the old standards now to see us out - Halo, Tomb Raider, Forza and Fable Legends, all of which are coming out this year.

Martin Robinson

Oh no, it's the shoutcasters who are presenting Halo 5.

Martin Robinson

Did one of them say he was a former pro coach? Dare I ask what happened?

Martin Robinson

'Fan favourites' Optic Gaming are competing. I know a fair few of you will be going weak at the knees right now.

Martin Robinson

I think I'm going back to the minibar.

Martin Robinson

I remember when it was all about just getting stoned with friends and playing CTF. I would have freaked if these muppets turned up back then to shoutcast our matches.

Martin Robinson

Well done Epsilon. Good game.

Martin Robinson

Now, please, walk away.

Martin Robinson

Josh 'Homie' Holmes up to talk about eSports and Halo 5.

Martin Robinson

With Halo World Championships, which has a prize pot of $1m, kicking off later this year.

Martin Robinson

Let's have some hardcore open world destruction now please! Why? Just 'cause.

Martin Robinson

This is the part where I should get excited. It's Forza 6 time.

Martin Robinson

I'd love to know who presses Dan Greenawalt's shirts. You could cut your finger on some of those creases.

Martin Robinson

450 cars, 26 tracks. A Lotus 49!

Martin Robinson

The racing league sounds a little like iRacing, which is good news - it's amazing how few games have taken their cues from the best online racer of the last few years.

Martin Robinson

It's still kind of a shame that there's no dynamic weather.

Martin Robinson

Forza 5 will be out in September, then (you probably knew that already).

Martin Robinson

It's Tum Radar time, and (I believe) our first game with a female protagonist.

Martin Robinson

She's probably going to stab that man.

Martin Robinson

After a quite diverse showing at E3 for both Sony and Microsoft, this does seem to be reverting to type.

Martin Robinson

In other words, cars and guns.

Martin Robinson

His cables are showing.

Martin Robinson

Well, that was a Tomb Raider.

Martin Robinson

The sound of a woman screaming from the stream, and Chris Bratt observes: 'Yeah, that sounds like Tomb Raider'.

Martin Robinson

Phil's back on-stage to take us home.

Martin Robinson

Take the jacket off, Phil.

Martin Robinson

Then the t-shirt. Then the trousers.

Martin Robinson

This could be Magic Mike XXXbox One edition.

Martin Robinson

Quick, someone play Ginuwine's Pony on their phone in the conference room. You can't not strip when that's on.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Is this Halo on PC?

Martin Robinson

Or another ODST. Am so confused right now!

Martin Robinson

Oh, of course - Halo Wars.

Martin Robinson

Creative Assembly are on it - Halo Wars 2, next autumn, on Windows 10 and Xbox One.

Martin Robinson

Total Halo Wars!

Martin Robinson

(I can't claim that one - Bertie has landed).

Martin Robinson

That was a video game conference, for sure.

Martin Robinson

Not much in the way of fireworks, but a solid showing of dependable games.

Martin Robinson

Microsoft didn't really need to do much more than that with Sony absent, and with this year's line-up already looking strong.

Martin Robinson

naffgeek: Still waiting for a good reason to buy an xb1, come on MS tempt me back dammit!

There were plenty of reasons already - it's hard to deny that it's got stronger exclusives than the PS4, this year at least.

Martin Robinson

Of course, if it was all down to which platform had the best exclusives everyone would have a Wii U...

Martin Robinson

That, you lovely lot, is a wrap. We've got EA and Blizzard coming up tomorrow, so hopefully catch you then.

Martin Robinson

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