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Half-Line Miami, a free fan-made crossover, is out now

Do you like hurting people, Mr. Freeman?

Half-Line Miami is exactly what you think it is: a combination of Half-Life and Hotline Miami. Developer Thomas Kole combines the gravity gun and setting of the former with the top-down gameplay of the latter.

Released today on Kole's page, Half-Line Miami is a free download. It contains eight stages, with each one based on a section of Half-Life 2. There's also a level editor.

"I made this game as a declaration of my love for these two games, and as an experiment in game design," Kole said.

Check out how these two titles merge in the Half-Line Miami launch trailer below:

Both Hotline Miami and Half-Life already featured silent protagonists and crowbars, so maybe this isn't much of a stretch.Watch on YouTube

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