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The Game Awards 2016 live report

Breath of the Wild! Koj! Some other stuff, probably! Live from 2am GMT.

Yes, it's a late one. And yes it's likely to be a late one filled with lots of vacuous nonsense, too. But! If you do fancy staying up 'til 2am GMT, The Game Awards could well reward you with some exciting reveals and a confirmed all-new look at The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Hopefully see you then!

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hello! Our very own Martin will be reporting tonight from the other side of the Atlantic, while here in Blighty we'll be staying up as long as we can... It'll likely be a 4am finish here, in case you'd rather catch-up in the morning.

Tom Phillips

That said, tonight actually has some very intriguing stuff lined-up. Here's what's confirmed so far...

Tom Phillips

Tom Phillips

Top of the bill for me is a long-awaited next look at The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's been ages since we saw it last at E3.

Tom Phillips

Eurogamer reported last month that Zelda would miss the Nintendo Switch's March launch - so keep an eye out for news of its release date.

Tom Phillips

Tom Phillips

BioWare will show an extended look at Mass Effect Andromeda. We'll finally see how it plays and find out about more aliens for fans to romance.

Tom Phillips

Tom Phillips

Telltale is also turning up. Expect to see its new Walking Dead season and - we've heard - a first look at its secret Marvel project...

Tom Phillips

An anouncement from Duke Nukem studio Gearbox and a good look at Prey are also on the cards. Oh and some awards. Can't forget them.

Tom Phillips

Chris Bratt

Sorry, don't know how that got there.

Chris Bratt

Oi oi! And hello from sunny California, where amazingly I've flown halfway around the world to watch the show from a hotel room in Anaheim.

Martin Robinson

Even more amazingly, I've reached the point in my life where I pack my own teabags on a trip to the states, so I'm going to be hitting the rooibos pretty hard. Living it up over here pretty much.

Martin Robinson

Also I'm stocked up with the biggest box of Junior Mints you've ever seen, and screw it I'm going to the 7-Eleven in a tick to get a few bottles of Sierra Nevada. Which should help with the jetlag, for sure.

Martin Robinson

That Keighley outfit that Chris posted earlier - I'm pretty sure that was my get-up when I went to my school disco in 1993.

Martin Robinson

Waistcoats were *huge* back then. As were plastic briefcases. We also tore up the dancefloor to the Grease medley that night. Massive.

Martin Robinson

I wonder if Geoff has a plastic briefcase?

Martin Robinson

Glixel has just posted a decent profile of Keighley that's worth having a look at while we pass the hours before it all kicks off.

Martin Robinson

I'll admit I've got a bit of a soft spot for Keighley. For all the criticism that comes his way he's clearly a guy who cares about games (and if you've ever read any of his Final Hours pieces, despite the more corporate position he's in these days he's also a fine journalist).

Martin Robinson

90 minutes to go until the event kicks off proper, so I'm off to the strip mall for supplies. Can I get anyone anything?

Martin Robinson

They were out of Sierra Nevada so I got everyone an Anchor Steam. Hope that's okay?

Martin Robinson

ektoraskalderis: 25 min wooohoo

That's until the pre-show. The actual thing kicks off in 45 minutes. Not that there'll be much difference.

Martin Robinson

Clean his keyboard for him?

Martin Robinson

I'd kind of forgotten that there's actually an awards ceremony attached to this. The title of the show should have been a clue, I guess.

Martin Robinson

Seems a bit early to be calling games of the year given that Final Fantasy 15 has only just hit shelves and The Last Guardian isn't out yet, but hey ho.

Martin Robinson

Geoff. Geoff! GEOFF! You're supposed to have started the stream, mate.

Martin Robinson

Has anyone seen Geoff? The pre-show should have started four minutes ago. GEOFF?

Martin Robinson

Maybe he's lost his favourite waistcoat or something.

Martin Robinson

Oh, here's Geoff! Hello!

Martin Robinson

A rundown of what to expect - Zelda, Mass Effect, maybe a flicker of life in Geoff's sharklike eyes at some point.

Martin Robinson

'There's one thing in this show that's absolutely incredible' teases Geoff. I hope it's a new waistcoat.

Martin Robinson

Young Wesley was on the panel for these awards. I think he must have just voted for Street Fighter 5 in every category.

Martin Robinson

So, the big question right now. Is it safe to have a beer now?

Martin Robinson

Who's drinking what at home? Tell me now - I'm genuinely interested!

Martin Robinson

They're talking about the story the award itself tells. How it's about the ascension of games.

Martin Robinson

Good god ascension is a hard word to spell.

Martin Robinson

Ew, skits.

Martin Robinson

Hideo Kojima was spotted belting out some tunes during rehearsals on stage earlier.

Martin Robinson

Hope he comes on and does Chaka Khan's 'I Feel For You' later.

Martin Robinson

Preferably while making suggestive motions towards Mark Cerny and ending up gyrating in his lap.

Martin Robinson

Would be well up for that.

Martin Robinson

Has this bullshit finished yet?

Martin Robinson

Joff Kealey's waistcoat has EVOLVED into its final form, a jacket with TOO MANY BUTTONS.

Martin Robinson

He looks like he's auditioning for a part in Final Fantasy 15.

Martin Robinson

A teaser now for Breath of the Wild's trailer.

Martin Robinson

Oh, this is the trailer now. Get in.

Martin Robinson

I wonder if this is the Switch version? It looks much more detailed to what we've seen before.

Martin Robinson

But perhaps that's because this is a look away from the plateau that's been showcased to date.

Martin Robinson

A small glimpse of what's to come later, that. Can't wait for the full thing!

Martin Robinson

Aaaaand the first award goes, with little fanfare, to Niantic and Pokémon Go. And some guy reading a speech from his phone.

Martin Robinson

They're keeping the awards brief then, it seems.

Martin Robinson

Kami: I missed Zelda trailer? Noooooooo...

The full thing is coming later - fret not!

Martin Robinson

Another premiere now, with Rocket League making an appearance.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Starbase Arc, a new arena, is coming to Rocket League. For FREEEEE.

Martin Robinson

And it's out next week - December 7th.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Randy Pitchfork, the man behind Aliens: Colonial Marines, is now on stage.

Martin Robinson

They're announcing Gearbox Publishing, and their first title is from People Can Fly - who are doing a new Bulletstorm?

Martin Robinson

Hang on.

Martin Robinson

Wait a second.

Martin Robinson

Are they announcing a new Bulletstorm?

Martin Robinson

It's out next April. Is it a remaster? I guess so.

Martin Robinson

If you pre-order, you can play the whole game as Duke Nukem, voiced by John St. John.

Martin Robinson

Yup, Full Clip Edition is a remaster/remake it seems. That's no bad thing - this is truly a great game.

Martin Robinson

That's it. I'M HAVING A BEER.

Martin Robinson

Well, there's your Duke Nukem news - he's going to be part of the Bulletstorm remaster.

Martin Robinson

And some more awards. GEOFF, honestly! SLOW DOWN. Rez Infinite takes best VR game - the only choice - and Street Fighter 5 takes best fighting game.

Martin Robinson

They keep going on about how Michael Phelps will be here. Is that a big deal? I had to Google him, because I'm awful like that.

Martin Robinson

I hope he comes on in just his Speedos.

Martin Robinson

I hope *all* the winners come on in just their Speedos, in fact.

Martin Robinson

I'm imagining Geoff in Speedos now.

Martin Robinson

Still thinking about it.

Martin Robinson

Will stop thinking about it now.

Martin Robinson

We're 30 seconds away from GAMING'S BIGGEST NIGHT!

Martin Robinson

There's going to be some offensive material, according to a brief disclaimer. GET IN.

Martin Robinson

When I worked in a cinema there was a creepy guy who always asked whether the film we were showing had offensive violence and/or preferably nudity. Would only buy a ticket if it did.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, games. Wonderful, aren't they?

Martin Robinson

Apparently it's Aaron Paul, the guy from the Need for Speed film, narrating this.

Martin Robinson

An aerial shot of LA! I'm somewhere on the horizon, in a pretty pokey hotel room.

Martin Robinson

Geoff gets on stage clutching an award. What did he win that for?

Martin Robinson

Certainly not for that jacket, I'll tell you that much.

Martin Robinson

Seriously, the button situation on that thing is off the charts.

Martin Robinson

It's out of control.

Martin Robinson

Geoff hearts Kojima so much.

Martin Robinson

I think he's imagined Kojima in his Speedos before.

Martin Robinson

Kojima was locked in a room for six months away from the main team during the last stretch of Metal Gear Solid 5's development.

Martin Robinson

Keighley's voice is breaking as he tells everyone how much he loves Koj.

Martin Robinson

This is laying it on quite thick, isn't it?

Martin Robinson

Here's your award anyway, Koj.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Geoff reached in there, and for a moment it did look like he was going for the lips.

Martin Robinson

As it is he goes for a respectful hug.

Martin Robinson

'Last year, I thought I lost everything. But I didn't lose anything, thanks to all of you'.

Martin Robinson

'I love you, Geoff'.

Martin Robinson

I don't think this can be topped now.

Martin Robinson

What raw emotion!

Martin Robinson

Kojima has bought an early gift - a look at Death Stranding.

Martin Robinson

Kami: The internet will be awash with Kojima/Keighley bromance fiction tomorrow.

I want to read ALL OF IT.

Martin Robinson

Guillermo Del Toro is in Death Stranding?

Martin Robinson

It's a weird, messed up WW2-esque setting we're seeing. Very dreamlike.

Martin Robinson

Del Toro has a baby in a small incubator unit and god I think this is even weirder than the initial reveal of Death Stranding.

Martin Robinson

Which is a hell of a feat.

Martin Robinson

I still have no idea what this game actually is.

Martin Robinson

I think even after I've played it I'll have no idea what it was.

Martin Robinson

Mads Mikkelsen also makes an appearance, seemingly as the villain.

Martin Robinson

I'm hoping we get to see a bit more of Death Stranding at Sony's show on Saturday.

Martin Robinson

That was running in real-time on a PS4 Pro.

Martin Robinson

More awards. And more great deals on PlayStation Network! A weird sales pitch interlude there.

Martin Robinson

A brief Warframe update.

Martin Robinson

Aaaand an advert break. I'm off to the fridge!

Martin Robinson

Actually this whole thing's kind of an advert break. Such as this brief look at the Assassin's Creed movie.

Martin Robinson

There's enough talent behind this film to suggest it could be the first properly decent video game movie.

Martin Robinson

Well, that was brief.

Martin Robinson

Run the Jewels give us our first performance of the night. Ooooh, this is all getting a bit Top of the Pops now.

Martin Robinson

They've done a very good job remembering all the words to this song.

Martin Robinson

There's a lot of words to remember.

Martin Robinson

Yeah, but this time's going to be different, right? Right?

Martin Robinson

They've remembered the words to *two* different songs, which is doubly impressive.

Martin Robinson

That man in the cap is going to burn through his CD collection if he keeps rubbing them like that.

Martin Robinson

In fairness, I didn't think that joke was that good.

Martin Robinson

Still, well done all. Here's Uncharted 4!

Martin Robinson

Troy, Elena and Nolan all here to present the art direction award.

Martin Robinson

Which just has to go Overwatch's way, surely?

Martin Robinson

Though I think everything should go Overwatch's way if there's any justice in this world.

Martin Robinson

Inside would also be a worthy winner, mind. And they quickly announce over the tannoy that Inside also wins best independent game.

Martin Robinson

After a enjoyably glib acceptance speech from Playdead, here's a look at Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy game.

Martin Robinson

We get a logo... Well, it's not as if we don't know how it'll play.

Martin Robinson

Aaaand another ad break.

Martin Robinson

Is this another skit?

Martin Robinson

I think my jetlag has got the better of my humour gland.

Martin Robinson

Conan Doyle is now here to present the best action game.

Martin Robinson

Though he hasn't actually turned up to the awards.

Martin Robinson

This one has to be DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, right?

Martin Robinson

Or maybe Titanfall 2. Or Overwatch. Okay, it's been a pretty good year.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

They keep pronouncing it wrong. It should be screamed out DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.

Martin Robinson

iJustine and Matpat - that's not their real names! - are up to present the next awards.

Martin Robinson

Games with the most impact - That Dragon, Cancer, Orwell, 1979 Revolution and some other fine nominees.

Martin Robinson

That Dragon, Cancer is a rightful winner of the award.

Martin Robinson

A genuinely touching moment as Ryan Green accepts the award.

Martin Robinson

A beautiful moment for a beautiful game. Congratulations to Ryan and his team.

Martin Robinson

And from that we're sadly too quickly ushered into an advert break and a skit.

Martin Robinson

Dauntless, a new free-to-play PC game from a bunch of veteran devs, is being debuted.

Martin Robinson

A sublime art style - and some serious talent in the dev team - means this could be one to keep an eye on.

Martin Robinson

Peter Moore, who has covered up his nipples with a smart jacket, takes to the stage.

Martin Robinson

To announce the trending gamer thing. Is young Bratt going to win this one?

Martin Robinson

No, wait, it's Boogie989897597909. Well done?

Martin Robinson

'Not just another hero shooter' says the blurb in the trailer for Lawbreakers as I think to myself it looks just like another hero shooter.

Martin Robinson

YoyoMcDingdong: why oh why am i awake at 3 a.m. watching this?


Martin Robinson

A man is telling us how much fun he just had in a VR experience.

Martin Robinson

I'm really sorry if you did stay up 'til 3am for this. It's not my fault, honest.

Martin Robinson

That chap looked thoroughly bored.

Martin Robinson

Doom's soundtrack LIVE should be just the tonic to wake me from the slumber I'm on the verge of.

Martin Robinson

So yeah, now's as good a time as any to bellow DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.

Martin Robinson

It's what I'm doing in my hotel room right now.

Martin Robinson

Don't think the family next door who are just here for a weekend in Disneyland appreciate it that much tbh.

Martin Robinson

Fahrenkite: A couple hours of advertising disguised as a tribute to the industry? Trying not to be negative, but damn, this is just so... ugh. I need a shower.

It does need to calm down a bit on the adverts if it wants to be taken seriously. BAFTA does a much better job at that - if only its categories/winners weren't so wide of the mark so often.

Martin Robinson

Ted Price, the man you can always rely on for a ridiculously oversized shirt, takes to the stage.

Martin Robinson

The best performer this year is Nolan North. For Uncharted, and maybe for the other 174 games he's been in this year.

Martin Robinson

Arkane's Raphael is on-stage to show some new Prey gameplay.

Martin Robinson

More importantly, though, what's going on with *his* jacket?

Martin Robinson

I think it's got leather arms. A truly avant garde choice.

Martin Robinson

This looks very much to be to System Shock what Dishonored was to Thief.

Martin Robinson

In other words YES PLEASE.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Aaand more adverts. I think.

Martin Robinson

Who is this Bosman chap? Is he always so unbearable?

Martin Robinson

Maggie Phillips now to present an award.

Martin Robinson

Fully clothed, though I know that Phelps is wearing Speedos under that get-up.

Martin Robinson

Famously Phelps eats a whole pizza and a pound of pasta as part of his 12,000 calorie diet during big events.

Martin Robinson

I was going to make a joke about people who play games also having a 12,000 calorie a day diet but I just can't bring myself to. Sorry.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, Coldzera wins best eSports player.

Martin Robinson

Best sports/racing game now. Fingers crossed for Forza Horizon 3 here. Because it's just about the best thing.

Martin Robinson

THE ONLY CHOICE. Forza Horizon 3 wins.

Martin Robinson

up_the_ante: Dan Greenawalt has let himself go

I was just thinking the same...

Martin Robinson

Reggie. The Reggienator. Big Reg. The R-man.

Martin Robinson

An absolute statue of a man. A big boulder of corporate beef. Come squirt some Zelda right in my mouth.

Martin Robinson

'There's even more that we want to share with you tonight'. A release date would be nice.

Martin Robinson

Eiji Aonuma continues to be the only guy that can make a centre parting look legitimately cool.

Martin Robinson

They're playing the Wii U version. In case there was any doubt they wouldn't be.

Martin Robinson

YoyoMcDingdong: Martin,slow down on the beers man.

I've only had one!

Martin Robinson

Well, no release date. But a look at more Zelda is always welcome.

Martin Robinson

Although to be honest I don't want to see any more of Zelda until I can actually play it.

Martin Robinson

Another world premiere. You're spoiling us! It's a new game from Yacht Games.

Martin Robinson

Ah, no it's more Shovel Knight.

Martin Robinson

Yup, it's more Shovel Knight alright.

Martin Robinson

ozthegweat: I thought I also had only one beer, but I just saw a man dressed as a razor, so I must be wasted.

I can't tell if that's a joke or a real thing. I don't know what's going on anymore.

Martin Robinson

Mark Sony is onstage now, citing Hitchcock - a big inspiration behind Knack and an even bigger influence on its sequel which is basically just a remake of Psycho.

Martin Robinson

Uncharted 4 gets the best narrative award.

Martin Robinson

Kami: There's already a remake of Psycho though...

Yeah, fair enough. This is a gritty deboot though.

Martin Robinson

We're back in the red room, which is somehow even more horrific and terrifying than the one in Twin Peaks.

Martin Robinson

Maybe *this* is Twin Peaks season three.

Martin Robinson

Cut to Cerny sitting in a chair, uttering 'Knaaaaack' backwards.

Martin Robinson

Before then, though! Adverts!

Martin Robinson

343 Industries up now to plug Halo Wars 2.

Martin Robinson

The bored man from earlier is now back to present the award for best game direction.

Martin Robinson

And the winner is... Overwatch! And here's Jeff from the Overwatch team.

Martin Robinson

What a mighty, mighty man.

Martin Robinson

The_B: What's his Ult Martin?

It's a blitz of pure modesty that disarms everyone in the match.

Martin Robinson

This is the final stretch now. Stay strong, people.

Martin Robinson

Only about 12 more adverts to fit into the next 10 minutes.

Martin Robinson

Oh, and Mass Effect. There's always that too.

Martin Robinson

Before all that, though, it's some muzak.

Martin Robinson

One of those men has his boobies out.

Martin Robinson

And the man with his boobies out is having a hell of a time. This is playing havoc with nipplewatch - the first time we've had real live nipples on stage at an event, I believe.

Martin Robinson

That's over now. It's done.

Martin Robinson

So we have best action adventure game.

Martin Robinson

Another chance to see Raphael's crazy jacket as Dishonored 2 wins.

Martin Robinson

Raph, mate, you can't get away with sleeves like that outside of a French discotheque.

Martin Robinson

Okay, so *this* is the final stretch now, just beyond this ad break.

Martin Robinson

It's Mass Effect and the overall winner. First up it's Andromeda being shown LIVE for the first time.

Martin Robinson

Here it is. The big one. Though didn't we see it being played at the Pro reveal?

Martin Robinson

Already this is looking loads better than the previous reveal.

Martin Robinson

Actually I take that back.

Martin Robinson

This looks a bit... Like muck? It looks very similar to the quite underwhelming Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Martin Robinson

With incredibly bland art direction to match, and some horrific facial animation.

Martin Robinson

I wonder if they're still using Google Image search for their art direction.

Martin Robinson

Well, that was Mass Effect. Fill 'yer boots.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

So, the BIGGEST NIGHT in gaming comes to a climax.

Martin Robinson

And Overwatch wins!

Martin Robinson

The right choice. The only choice!

Martin Robinson

The_B: What's the climax Martin? Don't keep us in suspense... what did you order for room service?

Some linguine with shrimp. I'm pretty pumped about it tbh.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Oh, also that was The Game Awards 2016.

Martin Robinson

That was... Something.

Martin Robinson

Thank you/sorry etc.

Martin Robinson

I promise you that Saturday's PlayStation show will be better.

Martin Robinson

That's at 10am PT - or 6pm GMT. It's going to be good.

Martin Robinson

YoyoMcDingdong: i wish i slept

Me too. And it's only 8pm over here.

Martin Robinson

Until then. PASTA.

Martin Robinson

Still, Death Stranding looks crazier than ever. And I've just sat through so many adverts I think I need a shower.

Martin Robinson

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