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PlayStation YouTube hosts Xbox One X Anthem footage with Photoshopped buttons

UPDATE: Trailer pulled by Sony.

UPDATE 4/7/17 8.50am: Sony has now removed the Anthem trailer uploaded to its PlayStation YouTube channel which featured Photoshopped Xbox One X buttons.

You can still see a screenshot of the slip-up below.

Fans noticed the footage was identical to the gameplay shown during Xbox's E3 conference, supposedly running on Xbox One X - and questioned whether this could also be representative of PlayStation 4 Pro.

Sony has not responded to our request for comment. EA directed us to Sony for more information.

ORIGINAL STORY 3/7/17 9.50am: PlayStation's YouTube channel has uploaded the in-engine Anthem footage shown at E3 running on Xbox One X - but with poorly-Photoshopped PS4 buttons.

Fans noticed the footage was identical but, given the benefit of the doubt, it could just be the same demo running on PlayStation 4 Pro, right?

Nope. Over the weekend, eagle-eyed viewers spotted someone had simply edited the footage to overlay PlayStation 4 controls. There are frames where the edit fades in where both the original Xbox control prompts and PS4 overlay can be seen.

Head to the 3:39 minute mark in the video below (and watch in slow-motion if you can) and you'll see this:

One fans dubbed the edit "sneaky". Others were less kind.

Watch on YouTube

While this wouldn't be the first time gameplay footage has featured swapped out button prompts, Anthem in particular is an issue because the footage shows the Xbox One X version of the game - which may well not be representative of what PlayStation 4 Pro can achieve.

We've contacted Sony for more information.

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