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BioWare veteran and Anthem lead designer Corey Gaspur passes away

"Corey was a talented designer and an even better person."

One of BioWare's lead designers, Corey Gaspur, has passed away.

RIP Corey Gaspur.

"It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our friend and colleague Corey Gaspur," the studio wrote in its tribute to the late developer.

Gaspur was a part of BioWare for roughly a decade. According to his Linkedin profile, he served as a gameplay and level designer on Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins, lead combat designer on Mass Effect 3, and was in the midst of being a lead designer on Anthem.

He also consulted on a great variety of other EA games, such as Star Wars: Battlefront, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst and Mass Effect: Andromeda. His first project at BioWare was Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, where he contributed as a level and gameplay designer.

"Corey was a talented designer and an even better person," his colleagues wrote. "We offer our condolences to Corey's family and everyone that knew him."

"We will miss you."

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