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Destiny 2 gets more downtime tonight

No LAN beyond.

Destiny 2 servers will disappear into the Darkness tonight for four hours, starting at 4pm UK time (8am Pacific).

If you're still playing Destiny 2 after then, expect to be kicked off within the hour. Maintenance is due to be concluded by 8pm UK time (midday Pacific).

It's the latest of many, many scheduled maintenance periods for the game. There's no word yet on what fixes will come in the accompanying Hotfix 1.0.7 patch.

It's unlikely to be anything big, such as something for Destiny 2's upcoming DLC Curse of Osiris - these updates usually get trailed ahead of time. Bungie has, at least, learnt not to do this on the game's weekly Tuesday reset.

Speaking of Destiny 2's upcoming expansion, Bungie has now shown off Curse of Osiris' new way of expanding raids - which are a big departure from Destiny 1.

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