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PlayStation Experience 2017 live report

It was nothing.

Nothing happened for 90 minutes (okay, there were some cool PSVR surprises and something about a MediEvil remaster). But honestly, think yourself lucky you didn't get up at 4am for this.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Good morning.

Martin Robinson

And, indeed, ugh.

Martin Robinson

It's going to take more than a line of hobnobs to make me feel alive right now.

Martin Robinson

A new look at whatever From Software is working on might do it, mind.

Martin Robinson

Kami: I still have the garibaldis. No-one wants the garibaldis...

I double dropped a rich tea when I woke up, just waiting for them to kick in.

Martin Robinson

This is, inexplicably - and somewhat ominously - the 13th live report of the year.

Martin Robinson

I'm also fairly certain it's the last, unless I go nuts and live report unwrapping my Christmas presents or something.

Martin Robinson

It will be low key, there won't be too much in the way of announcements, but honestly I'm good because I've got the Monster Hunter World beta on my hard-drive ready to go once this is done.

Martin Robinson

Kami: I'd watch that. I have a problem, don't I?

I'd do it just for you.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Or person, as it may be.

Martin Robinson

(I think it's just you and me, Kami, and I'm a-ok with that).

Martin Robinson

And we're go FOR THE LAST SHOW OF 2017!

Martin Robinson

Your-Mother: I'm here. But I'm in the US so nuts to your late night.


Martin Robinson

I've been to this show the last couple of years, and am sad to miss it - it's always a highlight of the year, as it's properly laid on for the fans.

Martin Robinson

But also part of me is glad to be home in Lewisham and not in the glorified car park that is Anaheim.

Martin Robinson

So, in that sizzle reel we've got God of War, Concrete Jungle, Guacamelee, Spiderman, KNAAAACCCK and plenty of other goodies.

Martin Robinson

Recapping a pretty strong year for Sony.

Martin Robinson

(Even if it hasn't been quite as strong as Nintendo's, shhhhh I'm not a fanboy you know it's true).

Martin Robinson

Shugyr: Love me some Everybody's Golf

I recently got a PS4 Pro and pretty much all I've played on it so far is Everybody's Golf. It's the greatest.

Martin Robinson

I'd also take that GT Sport content that's due dropping during this.

Martin Robinson

But lol at the idea of Polyphony doing anything ahead of when I expect them to.

Martin Robinson

Oh no, there are sofas.

Martin Robinson

That's ominous.

Martin Robinson

No-one's ever made a big announcement from a sofa.

Martin Robinson

'We can sit here all night listing all the incredible games that came out this year'. Please don't.

Martin Robinson

That is some fine furniture, mind.

Martin Robinson

I'm rifling through my Ikea catalogue to try and identity them.

Martin Robinson

Is that a Nockeby?

Martin Robinson

That's no Strandmon that Sid's sitting on, for shame.

Martin Robinson

Damn_Skippy: No Knack cosplayers in the crowd? For shame.

There's one in Lewisham live reporting this right now.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

We do have a new game announce. Ring the bell! It's called Firewall something something.

Martin Robinson

A tactical shooter for PSVR, and it supports that big plastic gun in case you got one for Farpoint.

Martin Robinson

Oh this is lovely - there's a Last Guardian VR experience coming for free.

Martin Robinson

And it's coming next week.

Martin Robinson

A standalone experience, so you can just get involved for free. No strings attached.

Martin Robinson

Okay, some cables attached.

Martin Robinson

It's the way they're sitting on the edges of their seats, I think.

Martin Robinson

And now here's WipEout VR.

Martin Robinson

This is a decent haul so far, to be fair - and a bit more than I was expecting.

Martin Robinson

WipEout's a great match for VR.

Martin Robinson

It's an update for WipEout, and it's coming next year.

Martin Robinson

And it's FREEEEEE.

Martin Robinson

I wish Shawn Layden had just dressed up as Santa.

Martin Robinson

Also maybe I wish I was sitting on his knee as he doles out these gifts.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

True story - I once saw Hermen eat his dinner out of a dog bowl in an Amsterdam club.

Martin Robinson

Somehow it wasn't as weird as that sounds.

Martin Robinson

He is one classy chap, and made eating out of a dog bowl look distinguished.

Martin Robinson

I believe that's a Death Stranding t-shirt that Hermen's wearing - makes sense seeing how he's working with KJP on the game.

Martin Robinson

That was Hermen. Thanks Hermen.

Martin Robinson

Dad of War is up next. I think they're going to try and fill every seat on that set, which would be impressive.

Martin Robinson

There's an added element of intrigue as we see how many people they can fit on that sofa.

Martin Robinson

My money's on 6.

Martin Robinson

Maybe Hermen would have to sit on Shawn's lap to make that happen.

Martin Robinson

I'd also like that to happen.

Martin Robinson

I think the big announcement here is the fact the game is 25 hours long. And the runtime gets a round of applause, because VIDEO GAMES.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Cory Barlog is basically human valium.

Martin Robinson

We're getting a runthrough of the Paris Games Week gameplay for Dad of War.

Martin Robinson

I think given the tone of what's going on here, expecting any news on the From Software project might be a bit optimistic.

Martin Robinson

But hey that's fine.

Martin Robinson

Sid Shuman really feels, for all intents and purposes, like Sony's Major Nelson. I won't add any more.

Martin Robinson

I'm mostly just admiring Hermen's brilliantly casual slouch on that sofa.

Martin Robinson

And here's a new, hopefully extended look at Dreams.

Martin Robinson

And the chance to see someone else squeeze on that sofa. This time, it's Media Molecule's Siobhan Reddy.

Martin Robinson

And Shawn ruins all our fun by moving off the sofa onto his own special chair.

Martin Robinson

I was about to say - that jump actually looks fit for purpose. I'm excited!

Martin Robinson

Does anyone want to come round and see how many people we can fit on my sofa?

Martin Robinson

I've squeezed five on here before.

Martin Robinson

Dreams, meanwhile, looks absolutely fantastic.

Martin Robinson

Excuse the pun, but I think a lot of people have been sleeping on this and it'll take everyone by surprise when it (finally) comes out next year.

Martin Robinson

Still no exact dates on the beta or, indeed, the final release itself.

Martin Robinson

But at least we have '2018'.

Martin Robinson

Meho: Dreams sounds like a game development kit for people who can't be bothered to learn how to make games... I mean, not trying to be cynical (well, a little) but, uh, sounds extremely ambitious...

The tools it gives you are extremely powerful. Last time I saw it I was kind of bowled over by what was possible.

Martin Robinson

Oh sweet, they're going to play Detroit live on stage. I wonder if it'll be the scene we saw at Paris Games Week?

Martin Robinson

What a weird way to introduce it.

Martin Robinson

Kami: You know, people have been giving Detroit: Become Human a bit of shit lately but the fuss did remind us Esther Rantzen is still alive. How I'm not sure yet...


Martin Robinson

Well thank god they're not doing the child abuse scene with this weird audience interaction schtick.

Martin Robinson

I don't think it makes it any less weird though.

Martin Robinson

So we're getting an audience-led playthrough of Detroit and this is honestly one of the oddest things I've seen.

Martin Robinson

It kind of worked with Until Dawn given its chosen genre and the schlocky horror it was riffing off. This, though? This is just awkward.

Martin Robinson

For all the noise around it, I think Detroit is going to be *okay*. Quantic Dream is great at this kind of narrative experience.

Martin Robinson

It's just they're a bit dim is all.

Martin Robinson

What strange things video games are.

Martin Robinson

So, er, anyone got any nice plans for their Saturday?

Martin Robinson

I mean, I don't, unless you count plugging away at the Monster Hunter beta.

Martin Robinson

Yeah, it does look grand but the audience participation thing is just odd.

Martin Robinson

I just don't think they're going to kill a child on-stage.

Martin Robinson

Well, that was an occurrence.

Martin Robinson

Right, that went on for a little too long. Here's some trailers!

Martin Robinson

Donut County up first, being published by the pretty much peerless Annapurna Interactive.

Martin Robinson

And, of course, it looks splendid.

Martin Robinson

Now, a game from a new team called TigerTron.

Martin Robinson

And it's a PSVR title that looks like Tetsuya Mizuguchi directed Ecco.

Martin Robinson

It's about two dolphins called Jupiter and Mars, and it looks hippy dippy as shit.

Martin Robinson

Arc System Works now with BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle.

Martin Robinson

(which was announced earlier this year).

Martin Robinson

We do get a new Soulcalibur trailer, which is all good.

Martin Robinson

And here's the real prize - Monster Hunter World, and an all-new trailer. Get in.

Martin Robinson

It's funny that we're deliberating the game of 2017 at the moment when I'm about to play the game of 2018 a bit later today.

Martin Robinson

I'm going to buy five copies.

Martin Robinson

A meaty scrap with Nergigante, which I believe is being shown on the floor at PSX this week.

Martin Robinson

And there's a Mega Man outfit for your Palico, because why not?

Martin Robinson

House in the house now, alongside Mark 'stone cold' Cerny.

Martin Robinson

The world holds its breath for a Knack 3 reveal.

Martin Robinson

Instead we're going to get a slightly awkward interview between the pair framed as a farewell to House.

Martin Robinson

And another chance to see the Death Stranding video, which I haven't seen since the early hours of yesterday morning. And I'm still not sure whether it was a dream or not.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Or is this gonna be a repeat of last nights trailer?

Certainly looks that way.

Martin Robinson

I kind of can't believe they're going to show this entire thing again.

Martin Robinson

Although I can, as it certainly cost Sony enough money.

Martin Robinson

I think it's okay if you just go back to bed now.

Martin Robinson

I'll let you know if anything happens.

Martin Robinson

I appreciate this was always going to be low-key. But this is an aggressive waste of everyone's time.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Nipples.

At least we have that.

Martin Robinson

Yup, that was the same trailer as last night. Well done everyone. Oh well, here's Koj anyway.

Martin Robinson

'After you've played the game for five hours, all of that starts to make sense' says Cerny of Death Stranding and *that* trailer.

Martin Robinson

That, to me, is the bombshell. There's an actual playable version of Death Stranding somewhere!

Martin Robinson

Meho: maybe they could have rehearsed this a bit beforehand...

Putting any thought into this beforehand would have been appreciated, really.

Martin Robinson

If I was there I would totally have obliged.

Martin Robinson

Well, this is a low point for sure. Microsoft set the bar super low with its pre-Gamescom show, and Sony ends the year by limboing right under it.

Martin Robinson

If you got up early for this, I apologise!

Martin Robinson

I guess we'll have to wait a little longer to find out what From Software's up to.

Martin Robinson

There were a few nice PSVR surprises, and I'm sure everyone at the show will have themselves a great time.

Martin Robinson

Oh wait!

Martin Robinson

We're getting a reveal of Shawn Layden's t-shirt.

Martin Robinson

Maybe it's the pot of coffee I just drank, but my heart just started racing.

Martin Robinson

Pretty sure it's the coffee.

Martin Robinson

From Software is making a MediEvil reboot.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Okay, probably not. Here it is, though.

Martin Robinson

It's a remaster, along the same lines of this year's Crash remake.

Martin Robinson

'cos that went great guns, so why not.

Martin Robinson

There you go. That was it.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Now go get some sleep and let's pretend this never happened.

Martin Robinson

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