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Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Every one of my Sundays between mid-August and early February consists of waking up at or around 11am, catching the pre-pre-game and the pre-game show, and lazing out by watching almost 11 hours of grown men pummel each other to bits all while attempting to carry, throw and kick a ball into and towards the opponent's goal area.

When a Nintendo64 happened to appear underneath my Christmas tree way back when, the game that had a near-permanent residence in the cartridge slot was Madden 64. Of course, all subsequent iterations in the series became automatic purchases as well, rationalised as doing my civic duty, supporting the sport created by Americans, for Americans. It's a sport with the chutzpah to take the universally known moniker of "football," as in soccer, and redefine it for us Yankees.

With that said, Backbreaker is a passive attempt at recreating the spirit of the sport on a gaming console. The atmosphere and gameplay - save for the use of NaturalMotion physics - are non-existent, the controls are all over the place, and P.O.D.'s Here Comes the Boom, the official song of every single kick-off, plays so often you'll want to go OJ Simpson on your game unit.

It's also a shame that the judicial proceedings challenging the NFL's exclusivity deal with Electronic Arts are taking so long to shake out, because Backbreaker could have used some of the League's well-established motifs (and real players!) to bring some colour to the action. Alas, you're left to play what amounts to an exhausting, half-baked experiment with features, for the most part, done better by the Madden series.

Cataracts had really started to interfere with Terry's long-ball game.

That's ironic, because during the game's development cycle Backbreaker's makers have effervesced with pride over their nascent creation, saying that it would finally take Madden down a notch and usher in a new generation of football games relying on the NaturalMotion physics engine - which, for the most part, is actually an interesting feature.

Players are no longer subject to a limited number of canned animations that eventually become repetitive. Like snowflakes, each tackle is different and, during my review sessions, delivering and receiving unique crushing blows was the best part of the whole experience. There is a future for this technology in sports gaming and hopefully other developers will take a long look at it in future, if they haven't already.

However, upon further examination things begin ripping apart at the seams. The Training Camp mode is a near-mandatory stop because Backbreaker uses a wholly different control set than what you'll find in the Madden series. Instead of using your controller's buttons, the majority of your players' actions will be controlled by transitioning in and out of "focus" and "aggressive" modes which increase their speed and throw accuracy and allow them to absorb hits to keep on slugging along the pitch. For example, your quarterback in focus mode will be able to lead and hit his receivers better, but the camera closes in on the action and increases his blind spot. 

Unfortunately, this also happens on the defensive side - which is ridiculous considering, for example, that a corner must be able to see more of the field to execute their defensive strategy better, not less. Furthermore, the action on the field is fast and furious, making the need to fumble around with entering and exiting modes to keep up impractical.

[Correction: Since this review was published, it has been pointed out that this section is unclear and could be misleading. When playing defense, it is "aggressive mode", not "focus mode", which causes a narrowing of the view. It was the need to switch between these two modes which our reviewer found impractical when playing defense. -Ed.]