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BlizzCon 2009 conference

WOW Cataclysm! Diablo III Monk!

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Image credit: Eurogamer

The BlizzCon 2009 opening ceremony has finished and two dazzling announcements have been made.

They are the revelation of the fearsome and devastating Monk class in Diablo III and, of course, World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm.

Read on for MMO editor Oli Welsh's full coverage of the event, direct from the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. Excitable bunch.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Oli Welsh is here and the conference is underway. He's sorry for the holdup! Let's jump straight in...

Robert Purchese

Chief exec Mike Morhaime's making his opening remarks.

Robert Purchese

Morhaime just joked that everyone here's waiting for something cataclysmic to happen.

Robert Purchese

He's also said hi to everyone watching from gamescom, and noted that StarCraft II won game of the show.

Robert Purchese

The show sold out "even faster than ret paladins can storm the forums after a nerf".

Robert Purchese

Uproarious laughter. There are 20,000 people in here. The noise is incredible.

Robert Purchese

Morhaime thanks servicemen and women around the world watching on the pay-per-view feed. The touch of patriotism goes down a storm.

Robert Purchese

They put the house lights up and we all wave for the PPV viewers and cheer.

Robert Purchese

Video of past BlizzCon highlights now. There's a tangible atmosphere of excitement here.

Robert Purchese

A friend of Eurogamer spoke with Morhaime and Blizz's art director Sam Didier yesterday and says we've got plenty to look forward to today.

Robert Purchese

Another friend of Eurogamer reckons it won't all be WOW's show, too. Diablo III apparently has something up its sleeve.

Robert Purchese

The hall's buzzing with word that a Korean Blizzard site accidentally broke that news... but let's see what the horse's mouth has to say.

Robert Purchese

Morhaime's sporting quite a full salt-and-pepper beard. It suits him.

Robert Purchese

He's just mentioned the upcoming faction transfer option to catcalls and boos. "Or as it's called in politics... flip-flopping."

Robert Purchese

"Even more exciting than looking back... is looking into the future."

Robert Purchese

The five year anniversary is coming up, and they're revamping Onyxia.

Robert Purchese

Next year, they'll be shipping StarCraft II with the revamped We'll hear more about at a panel later today.

Robert Purchese

Sam Raimi, as we know, is to direct the WOW movie. He was at BlizzCon last year and expressed an interest then, apparently.

Robert Purchese

It doesn't mean that Bruce Campbell will be plaing Leeroy Jenkins... "but now that I think about it, it's not a bad idea".

Robert Purchese

StarCraft II single-player will be hands on. Unlike anything you'll have seen in an RTS, apparently.

Robert Purchese

They're even doing WarCraft II tournaments here. Old school.

Robert Purchese

He's getting heckled about the contents of the goodie bags now. We all get a exclusive collectable figures to remind us of BlizzCon... "or to sell on eBay for the price of a small car. But I know that none of you will do that."

Robert Purchese

Little Mike Morhaime's gamely going for stand-up and it's working. He's been taking lessons from returning compere Jay Mohr I reckon.

Robert Purchese

He's running through some of the other attractions - costume contest, Ozzy Osbourne!

Robert Purchese

Quick blast of Ozzy on the screen. Another of those Friends of Eurogamer saw his rehearsal yesterday - he's in amazingly good voice for the state of him, apparenlty.

Robert Purchese

"Slash cheer like you mean it," says Mike. 20,000 people comply.

Robert Purchese

Chris Metzen, Blizzard's story guru, comes on to the WOW theme.

Robert Purchese

Country and Western shirt, tinted glasses, bling. The man is geek turned rock star.

Robert Purchese

He's apologising for how long it takes them to make games. And game announcements. Get on with it!

Robert Purchese

He wants us to give Blizzard employees high fives and "love". Intimate.

Robert Purchese

"We've got a couple of trailers to show you and things to announce."

Robert Purchese

He wants to ask us - where's the Alliance at?

Robert Purchese


Robert Purchese

Where's the Horde?

Robert Purchese


Robert Purchese

Crowd warm-up is easy when you're Blizzard.

Robert Purchese

This is why game companies should always reveal games in front of fans. Beats a bunch of cynical games journos.

Robert Purchese

Metzen wants WOW players to "just hang out" while he talks about Diablo III.

Robert Purchese

They've shown us three classes based on classic fantasy archetypes... Barbarian, Witch Doctor and Wizard.

Robert Purchese

The new class we're about to see is the same... The Monk!

Robert Purchese

"Open-handed, tiger-strike fury!"

Robert Purchese

Trailer time. Game engine but beautiful. Really beautiful.

Robert Purchese

The Monk has a bald head and a spade beard and wields a long club. He wears Buddhist orange.

Robert Purchese

He's facing off with enemies in sand-blown desert ruins.

Robert Purchese

Demon, fireball, massive fight.

Robert Purchese

He prays, drop the club, punches the demon in the chest kung fu style and rips off its arm.

Robert Purchese

That's it for Diablo III. The crowd is delirious. Now we get to watch actual gameplay.

Robert Purchese

So it's not it for Diablo III at all, you will notice.

Robert Purchese

The Monk has a super fast dash that's almost a teleport.

Robert Purchese

Looks like massive single-target damage. He's ripping enemies apart.

Robert Purchese

More from the panel later today. What's next?

Robert Purchese

"So Alliance and Horde, you've all been very patient." There's been rumours on the internet. No kidding, Chris.

Robert Purchese

"The wait is over."

Robert Purchese

We're about to see the first gameplay trailer of the new expansion!

Robert Purchese

It's a "doozy". Don't say "doozy". Not even in front of 20,000 adoring fans.

Robert Purchese

Here we go.

Robert Purchese

"An expansion set that will be nothing less than earth-shattering. That will very literally change the face of Azeroth as you know it."

Robert Purchese

"World of Warcraft: CATACLYSM!"

Robert Purchese

Trailer. There can be no peace when the world is devoured by rage.

Robert Purchese

Footage of familiar environments wrecked by lava and explosions. An ancient evil has arisen.

Robert Purchese

New conflicts erupt as old enemies vie for control of the world's diminished resources.

Robert Purchese

The Maelstrom churns.

Robert Purchese

The Goblin refugees are shipwrecked... They have found new allies in the Horde!

Robert Purchese

The rumours are all true, looks like.

Robert Purchese

Gilneas... regular human architecture... but they've become the new Alliance race: the Worgen!

Robert Purchese

Now classes... Troll Druid, Tauren Paladin.

Robert Purchese

This is SO LOUD. I can't hardly think, let alone type.

Robert Purchese

New profession - Arhceology!

Robert Purchese

New character progression - Path of the Titans! What's that?

Robert Purchese

Deathwing has returned... And there's a huge explosion that makes me jump out of my seat.

Robert Purchese

Apparently I missed out guild levelling and achievements. Thanks, Friend of Eurogamer.

Robert Purchese

Also there was something about ranked play in Battlegrounds that got a huge cheer... presumably they're bringing the Arena system across.

Robert Purchese

The Worgen looked very, very cool. Horde players are going to be sick with jealousy.

Robert Purchese

I know I am.

Robert Purchese

There will be more new class/race combinations than that, obviously.

Robert Purchese

So it seems to be exactly as it was rumoured earlier in the week - including the level cap of 85 which I missed in the torrent of info - but there are a few things we didn't know about: Archeology, new guild features and new character progression.

Robert Purchese

That's it for the opening ceremony. The rest of today is wall-to-wall panels on WOW, Diablo III, StarCraft II and the new

Robert Purchese

Watch out for more updates from us over the weekend, and detailed coverage of the games next week.

Robert Purchese

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