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3DS homebrew loader built, requires obscure puzzle game

Cubic Ninja sales soar after discovery, then pulled from eShop.

A hacker has built the first ever 3DS homebrew loader, which makes use of an exploit found in an obscure Ubisoft puzzle game.

22-year-old coder Jordan "Smealum" Rabet recently discovered the loophole in 2011 title Cubic Ninja.

A couple of months of work later and the software is now complete, according to updates on the GBATemp modding forum.

Last night, Rabet publicly revealed the identity of Cubic Ninja to the modding community via his Twitter account.

In less than 24 hours, sales of the game have soared and secondhand copies are currently going on Amazon for between $50 and $200.

Just four hours after his announcement, the digital version of the game - only for sale via the 3DS eShop in Japan - was pulled from sale by Nintendo.

The loader itself is due to be released online next week. All it will require to work is a copy of Cubic Ninja, an SD card and an internet connection.

In the meantime, Rabet has posted various images of it in action.

The software lets the user load unauthorised software and applications - including emulators - but does not directly run pirated copies of 3DS games.

Rabet is also working on a 3DS version of Minecraft.

"This runs on all firmware versions from 4.0 to 9.2, all consoles 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, N3DS, N3DS XL," Rabet explained.

Nintendo will likely move to block the loader via a forthcoming firmware update, but as yet has not commented on the situation.

It is unlikely the game itself will be patched - the developer responsible is no longer in business.

"Fun fact of the day: the studio behind Cubic Ninja went under back in 2011," Rabet concluded. "Wonder how it'll be fixed."

The young coder previously found fame for building an impressive DS version of Valve puzzle hit Portal.

"Nintendo continuously monitors all threats to its products' security," a company spokesperson told Eurogamer. "We will take the necessary technical and legal steps to prevent the facilitation of piracy and to protect intellectual property rights".

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