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Access WOW auction house on iPhone, web

Blizzard planning "premium" Armory service.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Blizzard is planning to integrate World of Warcraft's auction house with its Armory platform, giving players out-of-game access to Azeroth's economy from web browsers and iPhones.

"Today, we wanted to give you a heads-up about a new service now in development that will let players access the Auction House directly through the Armory website or Armory App for iPhone or iPod touch. While there are still plenty of details to be worked out, we're designing the service to offer auction functionality similar to what's available in-game," said Blizzard's community manager "Bornakk" in a post on the official forums (via

You might, however, be waiting a while for this service - and you might have to pay extra for it, with Bornakk mentioning the dreaded word "premium".

"This is a fairly complex service to develop, due in large part to its unprecedented integration with the game, so we don't have an exact release date yet. It's important to note here that certain elements of the service will be premium-based, which we'll go into more detail on once the service functionality is finalised," he said.

"As with all of the services we offer, we plan to integrate the Auction House and Armory in a way that won't disrupt the gameplay experience, and we won't release it until it meets the quality standards that we've set for our other features and services."

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