Alan Wake 2 bolt cutters location
Including how to solve the puzzle to get the bolt cutters.
You need the bolt cutters in Alan Wake 2 in order to open doors to progress with Saga's story, and to get into additional areas with bonus rewards.
If you're just starting your journey through Alan Wake 2, don't worry about the bolt cutters right now, as they are obtained as part of the story - you can't miss them.
However, if you've reached a roadblock and need them to progress, we've detailed the precise bolt cutters location below, including the puzzle solution so you can get the bolt cutters.
For more help exploring Bright Falls and its surrounding areas, we've also got pages on Cult Stash locations and puzzle solutions, the General Store code for the shotgun, and the Witchfinder Station computer password.
On this page:
Alan Wake 2 bolt cutters location
The bolt cutters are found near the end of Saga's Chapter 5 in Alan Wake 2, while you're in the Overlap on your way to fight the third boss.
Like all Overlap areas, this place loops for a while before you confront the boss. During one of these loops, you will come across the bolt cutters in a metal cabinet, but you need a key to open the cabinet.

To get the key, you need to solve the light switch puzzle first, so we've detailed this puzzle solution below.
How to get the bolt cutters in Alan Wake 2
Starting from the same room as the bolt cutters, here's step-by-step instructions on how to get the bolt cutters in Alan Wake 2:
- Use the switch to the left of the bolt cutters' location to turn the lights on and change the area's surroundings.
- Go through the door on the left and press the switch on the back wall to turn on the lights.
- Go to the desk on the same side of the room as the locked door was on and search it to get the Tool Cabinet Key.
- Go back to the first switch and flip it to turn the lights off and bring the metal cabinet back.
- Use the Tool Cabinet Key to finally get the bolt cutters!

To finish the puzzle now you have the bolt cutters, first flip the switch on the left again, then flip the second switch to bring back the locked door and use the bolt cutters on it. However, be careful after using the second switch! An enemy will come bursting from the wall to the left of the locked door.
You get to keep the bolt cutters after killing the next boss and exiting the Overlap, so you can go back to all the previously blocked areas in Cauldron Lake, Watery, and Bright Falls if you want to get some bonus collectibles and rewards.