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Analogue: A Hate Story dev announces the longest game title ever

"An erotic visual novel about social manipulation."

Analogue: A Hate Story and Hate Plus developer Christine Love has announced her upcoming digital erotic novel, My Twin Brother Made Me Crossdress As Him And Now I Have To Deal With A Geeky Stalker And A Domme Beauty Who Want Me In A Bind!!

It's also referred to as "Ladykiller in a Bind," for short.

While not due until 2015, Love has touted Ladykiller in a Bind as "an erotic visual novel about social manipulation and girls tying up other girls."

Details on the project are sparse, but Love told Polygon that her upcoming project will be "sort of like dating sims or the Persona games' social links, but with a much more honest portrayal." She went on to explain that dating sims often pass manipulation off as romance, but she'd like to treat the social dynamic of getting into someone's knickers with the awkward, troublesome drama it deserves. "We're just not going to pretend that it's anything other than manipulation," Love stated. "It'll have consequences."

"Sex is a pretty crucial aspect of how people in relationships interact, not just some arbitrary achievement at the end of a romantic arc," Love explained. "And what's a better way to explore power dynamics than through kinky sex?" You got me there.

Love's most recent digital novels, Analogue: A Hate Story and Hate Plus, were well received by Eurogamer with EG-contributor's Phill Cameron and Cara Ellison speaking highly of them in their respective reviews. Cameron said of Analogue, "If you're interested in dystopian sci-fi and intriguing mysteries and like getting angry about patriarchal misogyny, then it's certainly something you could enjoy" while Ellison called its sequel "less of an epic and more of a sexed-up frolic through the ideas and characters presented by the previous game." Not that she minded as she still really enjoyed it.

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