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Xenon to mega-blast one last time

The Bitmap Brothers reveal "Xenon 2000", a one-off level they have designed for PC Format magazine based on their classic scrolling shooter "Xenon 2"

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Our more .. um .. mature gamers will no doubt go misty-eyed at the mention of "Xenon 2" - a stunning arcade-style scrolling shooter which featured stunning organic graphics and music by dance outfit "Bomb The Bass" of all people, not to mention an array of over-the-top weapons and power-ups. Our personal favourite has to be the slightly ridiculous "Super Nashwan Power", which temporarily gave you a vast array of bolt-on weapons which made your ship stretch across half the screen...

Now the British developers behind the original game, the Bitmap Brothers, have revealed that they are working on a new "Xenon 2000" level for "PC Format" magazine. The new level will be the subject of a six part series of articles in the magazine, which will feature game design tips and show you how to recreate the level for yourself. With intricate new high resolution graphics by Mark Coleman, the artist behind the original "Xenon 2", the project looks like it should be a real nostalgic blast. Look for it appearing in the November issue of "PC Format" magazine in the UK, available from 20th October. In the meantime, feast your eyes on these gorgeous screenshots of "Xenon 2000" in action.


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