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Flipside and Ministry of Sound team up on "Club Blag" game

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

One of the latest features to be added to the Ministry of Sound website is a daft little web game from online gaming provider Flipside called "The Club Blag", which sees you trying to blag your way into the Ministry without paying, get free drinks, take over the decks from the resident DJ, and finally pull and have it away with a luscious young lass in one of the toilet cubicles. Not the kind of activities you would expect one of the UK's most hyped dance clubs to be encouraging, but there you go...

According to the press release we were sent this "is right at the cutting edge of online technology". A quick visit to the site revealed that it is actually a series of video clips played through Windows Media, with occasional "A, B or C" choices on how you are going to approach your blag. Sadly the clips aren't streamed, which means you have to sit and wait for them to load before you can see what's going on. Even with a cable modem the 56k version took anything up to a minute to load, making the whole thing rather .. well, crap. Still, if staring at grainy videos and deciding which of three buttons to press every couple of minutes is your idea of fun, you can check it out here.

Source - press release

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