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The Empire Strikes Back!

Tesco lead the PS2 fightback against the evil Eastern dictator!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Lightsabres at dawn! Following on from the news posted yesterday that Saddam Hussein has allegedly bought 4,000 PlayStation 2s for use in the remote administration of UAVs and other pilotless missiles, Tesco today launched into a counter-offensive, announcing the procurement of some 2,000 or so units. Describing the deal as a "major coup", a company spokesperson left journalists and MI5 operatives standing awestruck by the power of capitalism. If you want one of the consoles, they will be available at stores in Watford, Peterborough, Cardiff, Newcastle and Inverness as of tomorrow! Related Feature - PlayStation 2 UK launch coverage

Source - The Register

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