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Do Matrox have a trick up their sleeve?

The G800 rumour mill is in full flow

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The G800 is like one of those legendary Greek heroes you tell your children about, and it seems that Matrox, a privately owned company and thus not one that needs to report to shareholders, has adopted a fitting pseudo-marketing campaign for the project, where they release no public information and leak nuggets of information all over the place, spreading them through Chinese whispers on obscure forums and hoping the big news oracles will pick up on them. Well FullOn3D.com has. According to this rather odd thread on "MURC forums", the G800 may even be called the Matrox Condor II. Although that's fairly inconclusive, According to MatroxUsers.com, something interesting happens if you do a "View Source" on the as-yet unreleased G800.com. A secret message hidden in the HTML, reads "Whose word are you going to take? There's ours -- or the 28 million triangles knocking on your door." When we loaded up the page this morning though, all we got was "Spooky, isn't it?". Ho-hum. G800.com itself does offer a clue though. Firstly, a pop-up appears with a "Coming Soon" emblem. The title tags of the HTML in the pop-up have not been correctly defined though, and the URL reveals itself as "http://www.g800.com/condor.html". Condor again. The visible message to visitors is that "Yes, we know. We're way behind on this page. There's been nothing sitting on this server for over a year and a half now. Rest assured, however, that the wait is almost over and the delay in unveiling will be well worth any inconvenience. :)" Judging by the information at hand and the conclusions drawn by FullOn3D.com, we should expect to hear more about Matrox' G800 in the very near future.

Source - FullOn3D.com

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