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Crawfish do Alpha Advance

Capcom single out the impressive handheld developer for Street Fighter Alpha 3, and more?

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Compared to the Game Boy Color, Crawfish' Mike Merren said that "something like Street Fighter will appeal more to the people who buy the GBA". That was in March this year. When asked if his company was looking for another fighting game contract to follow up its hit GBC conversion of Street Fighter Alpha, Mike told us that "yes, a beat 'em up would be good to develop". Clearly, he meant it. As of Friday, Crawfish are working on Street Fighter Alpha 3 for Game Boy Advance. So impressed were they with the original SFA conversion, Capcom had no hesitation in handing the proven developer the contract, and the game is scheduled for release in October of this year, published by Ubi Soft was we reported last week. The other game on Ubi Soft's TBA list from Capcom is Super Street Fighter 2X Revival. One thing Mike Merren made very clear to us in his interview was that multiple teams working on multiple titles is the way his company works. "Why use the whole company's personnel on one title that takes two years to develop, when we can have six games all of different genres completed in half that time?" We'd be surprised if, given Capcom's insistence on Crawfish for SFA3, that there wasn't another little announcement around the corner. Related Feature - Interview with Mike Merren of Crawfish

Source - FGN

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