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Serious Demo released

Serious Sam Second Encounter demo now available

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

While Serious Sam : Second Encounter isn't due out until early next year, fans suffering from withdrawal symptoms can now download a demo version of the game to keep themselves occupied over Christmas. Weighing in at 110Mb, the demo features a single player / co-operative level, a deathmatch map and a "technology test level" to show off some of the new engine features, weapons, power-ups and monsters we can look forward to finding in the final game. You can download the demo from any of the following sites -

download from BonusWeb (CZ)

download from File Planet

download from Fragland (BE)

download from Giga (DE)

download from Gigex

- Serious Sam : Second Encounter preview

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