Xbox owners, pay attention
Details of Microsoft's reward for early adopters. You want free games and peripherals, right?
So, you bought an Xbox. It probably cost you somewhere in the region of €479 / £299. With £100 shaved off the price of the console, you might find yourself a touch annoyed. But don't, because Microsoft has taken steps to look after you. Eager to embrace early adopters and foist more software upon them, Microsoft has announced plans to reward anybody with an Xbox receipt to the tune of two brand new games and an extra controller, which comes to about €185 / £115 worth of kit! All you need to do is download the application form from your respective regional website (Brits go here) and fill it in. The only qualifying factor, the page explains, is that you bought it in one of the 16 European launch countries before 26th April. 26th April, of course, is still over a week away. Those of you with a bit of green at your disposal might consider picking the console up now and getting your €185 / £115 worth of kit at a later date. A fact which cannot have escaped Microsoft's attention. Although a full and final list of available free games won't be ready until the critical 26th April date, the current application form lists Halo, Rallisport Challenge, Project Gotham Racing, Amped Freestyle Snowboarding, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, Dead or Alive 3, Blood Wake and Fuzion Frenzy. Not a bad line-up. To us, this seems like a very positive move. And you don't even have to put a stamp on the envelope, or, if you have one of those new-fangled PC things, you don't even have to use an envelope! Just make sure you get it in by 1st July, 2002. Related Feature - Xbox price cut to €299