Cooking battle love simulation!
Nobody does it better?
Yesterday we learnt of Hong Kong based developer Enlight and their publishing deal with Phantagram to release Restaurant Tycoon in the West. However, whilst most of the Western world was scratching its head and asking whether or not a restaurant management game was taking the whole Tycoon thing a little too far, the vast minority of importers, anime fans and Japanese wannabes were tutting and running back to screenshots of Xbox oddity Bistro Cupid. In Japan, the notion of a restaurant management game is only daft if not accompanied by some sort of hunting RPG love story focus, and that's where Bistro Cupid comes in. As the game literature says, "To improve a skill of cooking, adventure out to forest and desert. Win the battle with an enemy, you can get new recipes. Make your restaurant famous by learning many different dishes!" And who can say fairer than that? But wait, there's more. "You can manage 12 different types of restaurant including the main character." Yes, thank you Babelfish. "It depends on you if your restaurant becomes popular. Twelve heroines support the main character." Excellent call. "You can learn cooking and manage a restaurant together with them or you can go on a date on holidays. Aim for an happy ending by improving your impression." So you see, Restaurant Tycoon is nowhere near as confusing or peculiar as you thought it was. This, on the other hand, is. Related Feature - Do you want Tycoons with that?