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SI releases Champ Man mag details

Rolling CM4 demo, latest data, tons of trinkets

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Details of Sports Interactive's Championship Manager magazine have been released on, and punters from across the globe can now pre-order the mag, which will go on sale on October 24th priced £5.49. Apart from a huge, no-access barred preview of CM4, which was to be expected, the mag's cover disc will play host to a rolling demo of the game, showcasing the new match engine, as well as the CM 01/02 patch v3.6.67, which includes updated data, the addition of the South Korean league and an updated pre-game editor.

The disc also includes a screenshot gallery, Softwrap demos of CM 01/02 and CM Quiz, playable demos of CM2 and CM3, a technical FAQ about CM 01/02 and the Graeme Kelly editor v3.8. And away from the football front, the disc will include the freeware version of Eastside Hockey Manager, upon which the recently announced SI title will be based.

We've heard that the pre-order form on Future Publishing's website blew their online ordering system off the net when it first went live last night, but it seems to be working now, and if you fancy a copy of the mag, head over here with your credit card at the ready. You can keep up with details on the magazine at, and it's worth remembering that all of the content will also be made available for free at the developer's website too. A pretty good deal for CM-heads, if you ask us.

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