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Miiverse update lets you write more, wait less

Now allows 400 character messages, reduces wait time to two minutes.

Nintendo's Wii U, 3DS and web-based social media platform, Miiverse, has received a new update that allows players to write longer messages and wait less time in between them.

With the added character limit you'll now be able to recite the 'tears in the rain' speech from Blade Runner before a particularly grueling stage.

As detailed on the Miiverse official site, the character limit per message has been doubled from 200 characters to 400. Now you'll have the space allotted to share your killer joke about the notorious Luigi Death Stare.

Furthermore, the wait time between posting messages has been decreased from three minutes to only two minutes.

The Notifications Screen has also been updated to include up to 50 alerts. A later update will allow users to disable getting a notification every time someone gives their post a "Yeah" (the Miiverse's equivalent of a Facebook "Like").

Finally, the Activity Feed will now show messages your friends have bestowed a "Yeah" to. It will only include their most recently recommended messages though, so as not to clutter your feed too much.

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