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Chinese mobile game uploaded nude videos of players without telling them

Leaked 36,000 private videos.

A Chinese mobile game has uploaded some 35,959 private videos to the internet without notifying the players that this could happen.

Crazy Laiwang's in-game graphics.

As reported by the South China Morning Post, the game in question, Fengkuang Laiwang (which translates to Crazy Laiwang), is essentially charades. Players are given a word that they must act out so their friends can guess it based on their gestures.

This in and of itself wouldn't be an issue as it seems like a smart way of making a classic party game available across long distances. The problem was that the videos of people acting out the prompts were uploaded to a video-sharing site called (think the Chinese YouTube) without the players' permission. As a result, many of these players weren't exactly fully clothed at the time of playing. Oops!

The game's two developers, Zhejiang Zhile Network and Beijing's Hortor Soft, said the videos were uploaded to Youku for storage reasons so they could be shared with players' friends. The developers have since apologised for "failing to notify users that the video clips are uploaded to" and have had the video-hosting site remove all of its Crazy Laiwang-related content. It's also halted the game's video-sharing feature.

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