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Syndicate Wars-inspired Satellite Reign gets release date

Enters beta today, and is content complete.

Satellite Reign, a kind of spiritual successor to Syndicate Wars, will be released 28th August 2015.

It's been playable as an incomplete, in-development Early Access game for several months. We wrote excitedly about it in December last year.

The release date announcement coincides with the arrival of a content-complete beta build today. All of the game's missions are available - as in, there's a full campaign.

"Of course," developer 5LivesStudio wrote in a press release, "leaving Early Access is by no means a finish-line. Satellite Reign is hugely important to our little studio, and we'll be continuing to support the game as long as necessary post-release, while also investigating new content and features we would like to add.

"Thanks very much for all of your help and support over the past seven months we've been on Early Access, and a huge thanks to those of you who had enough faith to back us on Kickstarter almost two years ago!"

Satellite Reign is a cyberpunk strategy game - a squad-based, real-time, neon-lit, city crawler. It raised nearly half-a-million US bucks in summer 2013, and is project led by Mike Diskett, who designed Syndicate Wars while at Bullfrog 17 years ago.

It's available on PC (Windows, Linux) and Mac for £22.99.

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