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Sony E3 2016 conference live report

Watch it live here from 2am BST.

This is going to be interesting. Microsoft had a strong showing earlier, showing off an impressive slate of games as well as announcing Project Scorpio, the new, all-singing Xbox One that promises to be the most powerful console yet. What can Sony do to counter? It's already said it won't be talking about PS4K, but will the earlier announcement force it to change its tune? We'll find out for sure either way at 2am BST.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

It's pizza-and-cole o'clock here in the EG Brighton office. How are you guys bearing up?

Oli Welsh

I've got to tell you, two days in a row of this is quite a challenge.

Oli Welsh

No, I wasn't sleeping. I was playing Monster Hunter thank you very much.

Martin Robinson

And stocking up the EG office fridge with beer.

Martin Robinson

The joys of working above a 24 hour off licence.

Martin Robinson

I'm amazed we haven't turned to drink sooner, to be honest.

Martin Robinson

SpeckledJim: "working"

Well, yeah.

Martin Robinson

Honestly, I'm not complaining. There's something magical about this part of E3, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Martin Robinson

If anyone's been drinking since the Microsoft conference and is still powering through, I salute you.

Martin Robinson

SpeckledJim: I've watched them all sober. Yes, even the pre-Battlefield One mp stream when they interviewed "celebrities" like it was the Oscars. It wasn't.

No-one in that Battlefield stream was sober either.

Martin Robinson

Seaweed: Hopefully Sony will announce that The Last Guardian is available today! :)

I have been hoping for this exact thing for two years on the trot now.

Martin Robinson

LordViru: Getting ready for the final live nipple watch of E3, bets on whose will be most prominent?

After Scorpio earlier Sony might have to go nuclear and get Cerny's nipples involved somehow.

Martin Robinson

Beer has just been opened. Let's get through this together.

Martin Robinson

Reports of a full orchestra assembling in the auditorium.

Martin Robinson

Sony are being a lot more out there with their shirt selection, going from this pre-show at least.

Martin Robinson

Five minutes to go. What to expect?

Martin Robinson

Whatever happens, it won't top last year. Surely?

Martin Robinson

A Spiderman game from Sucker Punch is rumoured. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a new zombie game of some sort.

Martin Robinson

The Last Guardian release date, surely.

Martin Robinson

Thing is, we know what so many of Sony's studios are up to - they're all announced.

Martin Robinson

The problem is so much that was announced last year still hasn't released, so I imagine there'll be a lot of updates.

Martin Robinson

Oh, one more thing to look forward to (potentially) is Kojima's game. He hasn't had long to work on it, so I doubt we'll see much.

Martin Robinson

Anything would be nice, though.

Martin Robinson

This is a beautiful venue - an improvement on the soulless arenas Sony typically uses for its conferences.

Martin Robinson

There's applause in the audience. Lord knows what for, though.

Martin Robinson

Did Jim Ryan's nipple just pop out?

Martin Robinson

Is that Brian Crecente?

Martin Robinson

Oh, no - it's the composer of the orchestra they've got in to start the show.

Martin Robinson

This sounds like it could be the soundtrack to a new God of War.

Martin Robinson

Not really a fan of God of War, but the nipple count in those games is off the charts.

Martin Robinson

Who needs gameplay when you've got men singing?

Martin Robinson

I think Sony's lost the plot.

Martin Robinson

This, then, is the soundtrack to Knack 2.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

And there we go. God of War. You're a dad now.

Martin Robinson

It looks very Naughty Dog.

Martin Robinson

This is a very different take on God of War - a closer third-person view rather than the more detached action viewpoint of old.

Martin Robinson

I'm not really feeling the new take. It feels like it's lost all that gave God of War its character, and now just looks fairly indistinct.

Martin Robinson

Where's the wonderful OTT God of War that, y'know, people liked?

Martin Robinson

God of feels.

Martin Robinson

As Jeffrey just pointed out, taking God of War seriously isn't the most appealing idea.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, here's Shawn Layden, one of the more loveable execs around.

Martin Robinson

A touching pause for the recent events in Orlando.

Martin Robinson

Sony Bend Studio's project - one of the few teams who's project remains shrouded in mystery.

Martin Robinson

This looks like The Last of Us. All of Sony's games are blending into one.

Martin Robinson

Days Gone is the title.

Martin Robinson

And now, The Last Guardian.

Martin Robinson

A release date please!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

This changes everything!

Martin Robinson

October 25th.

Martin Robinson

There it is.

Martin Robinson

And now Horizon. Enjoying the snappiness of this.

Martin Robinson

Still getting over the fact we have a release date for The Last Guardian.

Martin Robinson

dogmanstaruk: Did they give a date for GoW?

Nothing on that.

Martin Robinson

Horizon continues to look like a very pretty video game.

Martin Robinson

And that is some lovely grass right there.

Martin Robinson

She's riding a mechanical bull. It's basically the Saddle Ranch simulator.

Martin Robinson

(A reference hopefully lost on those of you with enough good sense to avoid LA's most despicable watering hole).

Martin Robinson

perakisg: So, this is running on the Neo then?

That's a question I think we're going to be asking a lot over the next few months.

Martin Robinson

It's a proper RPG, with dialogue wheels, elemental damage.

Martin Robinson

It's also very pretty. Out early next year.

Martin Robinson

Detroit next. Not much room to breathe, but I'm not complaining.

Martin Robinson

Would be nice to have time to open that bottle of beer on the other side of the office though.

Martin Robinson

Elements of detective work mixed in with Cage David's usual cauldron of emotions.

Martin Robinson

Awful acting, but I think maybe that's the point.

Martin Robinson

Or at the very least Cage David has a good excuse for it all.

Martin Robinson

This is Kitchen.

Martin Robinson

Capcom's VR experience.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Like PT.

Martin Robinson

I think it's also a teaser for something else.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

(It's a new Rival Schools).

Martin Robinson

Resident Evil 7, everyone.

Martin Robinson

June 24th, 2017.

Martin Robinson

A demo is live on PS Store now, apparently. That's a surprise.

Martin Robinson

January 24th, that is.

Martin Robinson

October 13th release date for PSVR.

Martin Robinson

$399 - though we knew the price already.

Martin Robinson

Now, a quick VR showcase.

Martin Robinson

They really are getting a lot in!

Martin Robinson

Farpoint. Which stars someone called Dr. Moon. Fancy that.

Martin Robinson

Star Wars Battlefront VR.

Martin Robinson

It looks like Eve Valkyrie with X-Wings. I'd buy that.

Martin Robinson

Now, Batman.

Martin Robinson

I figured this'd be the remaster - but this is still the VR section.

Martin Robinson

Batman Arkham VR, by Rocksteady. Coming this October.

Martin Robinson

(Batman obviously has some final nipples, at least in Joel Schumacher's beautiful vision. Can't wait to see them in VR).

Martin Robinson

VR Chocobo Racing?

Martin Robinson

VR support of some sort for FF15 too.

Martin Robinson

This one's new to me.

Martin Robinson

Ah, it's Call of Duty.

Martin Robinson

I got excited for a second there.

Martin Robinson

We've had almost zero stage presence from execs, celebs etc.

Martin Robinson

Just game after game after game.

Martin Robinson

It's a very effective approach.

Martin Robinson

And a pretty overwhelming one, too.

Martin Robinson

Almost enough to paste over the fact this new Call of Duty looks.... simply okay.

Martin Robinson

We're getting reports in that Days Gone does indeed feature zombies. Thus making it the most generic game of all time.

Martin Robinson

Back to Call of Duty.

Martin Robinson

Bang bang boom etc.

Martin Robinson

And here's Modern Warfare Remastered, the Call of Duty game that people actually want to play.

Martin Robinson

Crash Bandicoot now.

Martin Robinson

Well, you did ask for it.

Martin Robinson

Crash 1, 2 and Warped being remastered for PS4.

Martin Robinson

And he'll be in Skylanders. Happy now? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED?

Martin Robinson

Lego Force Awakens now. Out the end of this month.

Martin Robinson

Andrew House is now taking to the stage, which would normally mean a pretty sizeable announcement.

Martin Robinson

That, or nipples.

Martin Robinson

Nah, it's Kojima.

Martin Robinson

So, here's our look at his game.

Martin Robinson

Ten years on, we're getting tiny enemy crabs.

Martin Robinson

That's progress.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Ugh, too much nipples.

Martin Robinson

Norman Reedus nipples, of all things.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

E3 was always building up to this.

Martin Robinson

Kojima's new game, Nipples, exclusive to PS4.

Martin Robinson

Or Death Stranding, okay, call it that if you want.

Martin Robinson

It'll always be Nipples to me.

Martin Robinson

Spiderman, I think.

Martin Robinson

Yup, by Insomniac and not Sucker Punch as we thought.

Martin Robinson

They could really Arkham this up. SpidermanPS4, quite simply.

Martin Robinson

I think that's a wrap.

Martin Robinson

No, we're getting one final game.

Martin Robinson

Oh, and it's Days Gone.

Martin Robinson

It's The Last of Us, with more zombies and a bit more action.

Martin Robinson

Not feeling this in the slightest.

Martin Robinson

And kind of wish we'd ended on that Kojima weirdness.

Martin Robinson

Still, that's a lot of zombies!

Martin Robinson

Funny that Sony Bend's last game was a Naughty Dog cover with all the charm removed. And this...

Martin Robinson

Well, anyway, that aside that was a cracking conference.

Martin Robinson

Pretty much no filler, a relentless stream of games most of which looked amazing.

Martin Robinson

and Hideo Kojima's Nipples, of course.

Martin Robinson

Nice one Sony.

Martin Robinson

So, Resi 7, new Kojima, a Spider-Man game from Insomniac. That's a good haul.

Martin Robinson

We're wrapping there. Thank you for joining us. We'll be back tomorrow for Nintendo's Zelda event. Hopefully see you there!

Martin Robinson

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