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Eve Online dev CCP has an in-house band - and they're coming to Rock Band 4


Eve Online developer CCP Games is a multitalented bunch. They've got economists on their books. They've got wrestlers. And they've even got an in-house band - called Permaband.

Up until now, Permaband has focused on entertaining the Eve Online community, doing bits and bobs at Eve FanFest, the company's annual get together, and publishing videos on YouTube. But it's about to hit the big-time.

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CCP has done a deal with Harmonix to bring several Permaband songs to Rock Band 4 to celebrate the company's 20th birthday (CCP was founded in June 1997).

The songs will be available to download for free for all owners of Rock Band 4 this June. Songs added include "Killing is Just a Means" and "Wrecking Machine".

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Permaband was founded in 2009 by CCP employees CCP ArnarV, CCP Guard, CCP Nova and CCP Arkanon. They've released five songs over the years, which can be downloaded from Soundcloud.

This year's Eve FanFest is happening right now.

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