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November PlayStation Plus games include Bulletstorm, Yakuza Kiwami

Gunning for your money.

Earlier than usual, Sony has confirmed the PlayStation 4 games to be given away next month via PlayStation Plus.

In November, Plus subscribers will be able to nab downloads of Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition and Yakuza Kiwami - not a bad selection.

PlayStation Plus games are normally unveiled later in the preceding month - but the selection is being advertised already on (as spotted by Nibel).

Bulletstorm was originally launched for PlayStation 3 back in 2011, a fun mix of over-the-top shooting and special powers which let you slow-mo shotgun enemies into cacti and other such capers. Its Full Clip Edition turned up for current-gen consoles and Steam last year.

Yakuza Kiwami, meanwhile, is the well-received remake of the original Yakuza game, which first launched in Japan back in 2016 before its Western arrival a year later.

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