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Destiny 2 just got a major plot twist - and now fans reckon they've worked out what comes next

Spoilers ahead!

Destiny has always had a love / hate relationship with story, but following the launch of the Destiny 2 expansion Forsaken, lore fans are finding a lot to sink their teeth into - and this week a new story revelation certainly set the cat among the pigeons.


First, some background. Forsaken antagonist Uldren Sov was killed at the end of the expansion's story, a troubling revenge act for the death of wise-cracking hunter Cayde-6.

Bungie did not show who, exactly, put the bullet in Uldren. Was it you, the player, or was it Petra Venj, formerly the Queen's Emissary? Either way, Uldren's last words were an explanation of sorts: "Everything I did, I did for her." He's referencing his sister, Queen Mara Sov, there, and his bid to resurrect her (it turns out Uldren was being manipulated by Savathûn, a hive wizard and sister to Oryx, The Taken King, but I digress...).

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Anyway! Fast forward to this week, and Bungie added a new cinematic to Destiny 2 that moves the story on in a really interesting way - and Destiny lore nerds are speculating as to what it means for the game in the future.

Visit the Queen's Court and "lean closer" at the mysterious image hovering above the platform on the left, and you'll trigger a fresh cutscene. This cutscene shows a ghost (Destiny's cute little flying robot companion) seeking out what turns out to be the corpse of Uldren himself. The ghost emits energy - presumably the Traveler's light - and Uldren is resurrected as... a guardian.

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This cutscene (which actually leaked last month after dataminers got their hands on it) is a throwback to the first cutscene in Destiny, which saw your ghost (then dubbed "Dinklebot" online because it was voiced by Peter Dinklage) resurrect you in the ruins of Old Russia. You became a guardian then, as Uldren is now.

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So, what does all this mean? Destiny lore fans are having a lot of fun speculating about the future. A popular theory is a repentant Uldren will replace Cayde-6 as the Vanguard's chief hunter in the tower. This would certainly get tongues wagging. How dare Cayde's murderer be allowed to set foot in the tower, let alone replace him? Has Commander Zavala lost his mind? I bet Ikora Rey will have something to say about that!

This is all speculation, but it's fun speculation, and it's further evidence Destiny 2 is in a good place right now. Bungie had told players not to expect cutscene-heavy content from post-Forsaken updates, but here we are with one of the most explosive cutscenes Destiny has seen in years. More of this, please!

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