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Cyberpunk 2077 fan film has an eerily on point Keanu Reeves lookalike


A trailer for new Cyberpunk 2077 fan film Phoenix Program is dazzling the internet - and has impressed developer CD Projekt Red.

The footage, shared by CD Projekt on Twitter, stars a group of talented cosplayers in action directed by Marvel's Shang Chi action designer Vi-Dan Tran.

To be clear, this fan film does not contain Keanu Reeves - but you'd be forgiven for thinking so. An eerily similar-looking Johnny Silverhand cosplayer pops up for some skull cracking. The film's male V protagonist also looks near-identical to the one seen in Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay footage so far.

Work on Phoenix Program has unfortunately now been put on pause while its cast of cosplayers self-isolate. But if nothing else comes of the project, this trailer is certainly worth a minute of your time.

CD Projekt Red will next share news on Cyberpunk 2077 in June, before the game finally arrives on 17th September. A next-gen launch also on the cards.

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