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Sony expects PS5 to beat PS4, sell over 7m by April

And defends next-gen games price hike.

Sony is bullish about the PlayStation 5's prospects - so much it expects its new console to beat the PlayStation 4's own brilliant launch.

Speaking to Korean outlet Naver, PlayStation boss Jim Ryan said his company was projecting a stronger launch for PS5 than its predecessor, which sold 7m units by the end of its first financial year.

"We think the PS5 will sell more in its first fiscal year than [we] sold in the first fiscal year at the time of PS4 launch," Ryan said.

PS4 launched back in November 2013, and had four months on shop shelves to notch up those 7m sales. Seven years later, PS5 will have a similar timeframe.

Korea gets the PS5 before the UK, on 12th November. Sony's console arrives then in Japan, North America and Australia too.

PlayStation 5 arrives in the UK a week later, on 19th November.

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Ryan was also questioned on the rise in price for next-gen games from certain publishers, which will see some Sony titles launch at an eye-watering £70 here in the UK.

Sony has previously spoken of the benefits provided by the next-gen - and this was the line trotted out here again.

"It is difficult to talk about the overall game market or other game consoles, but I think the value is obvious in the case of the PS5," Ryan replied.

"We'll excite fans around the world with the best exclusive games on the market today and deliver a truly next-generation device experience that will captivate them."

Wes looked at the next-gen game price hike up to £70 last week - and considered what we're getting value-wise in exchange for this new normal.

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