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Sony says PS5 currently doesn't support 1440p because it wants to "prioritise support for TVs"

Will monitor the situation.

The PlayStation 5 currently does not support 1440p resolution because Sony wants to "prioritise support for TVs".

That's according to a new interview with PlayStation hardware boss Masayasu Ito and PlayStation platform boss Hideaki Nishino in Japanese publication AV Watch.

"Currently the PS5 doesn't support 1440p in accordance with Nishino-san's thinking that they 'want to prioritise support for TVs'," the article reads, according to a Eurogamer-sourced translation.

However, Ito-san states "there's no technological problem at all" regarding the PS5 supporting 1440p resolution, so it seems Sony is keeping an eye on market trends and will respond if there's a demand for it.

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The PS5's lack of native 1440p resolution support has disappointed some users who wish to use the console with a monitor instead of a TV. For comparison's sake, the Xbox Series X does support 1440p.

While the vast majority of console players use TVs that support resolutions such as 720p, 1080p and 4K, some do use monitors instead. 1440p monitors are popular among PC users, and are seen as an accessible option for those looking to play games at 100+ FPS.

According to Digital Foundry's early tests, using a PS5 with a 1440p monitors tops out at 1080p resolution, so the game renders at 4K and then gets downscaled to 1080p. Then the display upscales that to 1440p. A 1440p monitor with HDMI 2.0 input support may just take the 4K image and downscale to 1440p.

With any luck, Sony will enable PS5 1440p support in a future update.

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