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E3 2021: Summer Game Fest live report

Elden Ring? Elden Ring! Seriously tho, Elden Ring.

This year's slightly disparate, slightly odd E3 kicks off in earnest with Geoff Keighley's all-singing all-dancing Summer Game Fest. Here's all the news as it happened.

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Well hello there!

Martin Robinson

And welcome to the start of this year's E3, I guess?

Martin Robinson

Normally we know it's started when everyone heads to the Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip for some jetlagged drinks as soon as everyone's got off the plane.

Martin Robinson

But now instead of being in sunny Los Angeles I'm in, er, Lewisham. Which is still quite sunny!

Martin Robinson

Despite it being just a little bit different this year, I'm still excited. I mean, I'm almost always excited, but for the lack of a physical show and the likelihood the ongoing adjustements the industry is making to new working conditions brought about by the pandemic meaning it'll likely be light on big new announcements...

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

And already expectations are getting out of check.

Martin Robinson

What will we see tonight? Elden Ring? Valve's new handheld? SHENMUE 4?!?!?!

Martin Robinson

Or will it be a dismal marketing exercise stretched out over two hours with a handful of CG trailers?

Martin Robinson

ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT! By sitting here and getting increasingly despondent at the tiny window on my computer screen for the next two hours.

Martin Robinson

It's going to be great!

Martin Robinson

(also not to get your hopes up but Elden Ring does look likely tonight - though I'd imagine it'll just be a tease ahead of Bamco Nandos own show early next week).

Martin Robinson

You might be winning big tonight!

Martin Robinson

Bertie: ERM isn't video game two words Martin

Shhh don't tell anyone but I always prefer it as videogame...

Martin Robinson

DesignationDDDirtyD: Incredibly Tim Heidecker energy in that pic of Geoff at the top. Game Awards needs their own version of Oscar Fever.

I have only recently got into On Cinema recently and oh my what a treat it is.

Martin Robinson

Anyone want to toss in some predictions of their own?

Martin Robinson

PickledShogun: Silent Hill remake

I live in hope...

Martin Robinson

covfan: Hoping for a remake of A Dogs Life

Oh god I really do live in hope.

Martin Robinson

I think I'm most excited for Geoff's outfit.

Martin Robinson

I reckon he might try and pull off a hoodie and a blazer all at once.

Martin Robinson

The absolute nutter.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

I wonder how quickly until my energy levels dip.

Martin Robinson

I give it until the inevitable unnecessary music number turns up.

Martin Robinson

Blazer, t-shirt and sneakers for Geoff, with what looks like a pastel colour t-shirt (alright it might not be pastel I'm colourblind give me a break).

Martin Robinson

Geoff Goldblum will be here! Geoffcarlo Esposito too!

Martin Robinson

Fingers crossed for a Wimpy Jeff cameo too please.

Martin Robinson

We're starting with a proper reveal, which is a cracking way to set things off.

Martin Robinson

I mean, it's a reveal of a Gearbox game... But you can't have everything.

Martin Robinson

This doesn't look like Brothers in Arms.

Martin Robinson

It's a Borderlands spin-off, and I'm way, way too British for this sense of humour. Sorry!

Martin Robinson

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, coming early next year.

Martin Robinson

It is a looter shooter like Borderlands, but high fantasy.

Martin Robinson

Ultimately though that was a CG trailer reveal.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

A new reveal, and another world premiere.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Actually, no but. It's turn-based, and I'm fine with that!

Martin Robinson

Final Fantasy Tactics meets the incredible artwork of Metal Slug?

Martin Robinson

Well, consider me sold.

Martin Robinson

I am BEYOND excited for Metal Slug Tactics.

Martin Robinson

It's being developed by French outfit Leikir Studio, rather than internally at SNK.

Martin Robinson

Well here's Geoff asking Koj whether he's had his vaccine yet in what's set to be the next instalment in their bizarre bromance, which plays out on an annual basis through these stilted exchanges.

Martin Robinson

Japan only has a 10 per cent vaccine uptake atm, which is slighlty nuts.

Martin Robinson

Is anything going to happen in this segment?

Martin Robinson

No would seem to be the answer.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's Death Stranding for PS5.

Martin Robinson

Or is it?????!!!!

Martin Robinson

Heavy allusions to Metal Gear Solid, from cardboard boxes to the music from Outer Heaven.

Martin Robinson

All done in an overly long, none-too-subtle and very drawn out section.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Oh yeah it is just Death Stranding on PS5. As you were.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Geoff Goldblum.

Martin Robinson

What other Geoffs would you love to see tonight?

Martin Robinson

Capes is all I've got.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's been a long few days.

Martin Robinson

This got shit quickly though didn't it?

Martin Robinson

Here's a CG trailer to keep us going though.

Martin Robinson

Something about dinosaurs.

Martin Robinson

Oh, Jurassic Park Evolution 2. There you go!

Martin Robinson

Here's that musical interlude I warned you all about. To the kitchen!

Martin Robinson

It's Japanese Breakfast, performing a song from the Sable soundtrack.

Martin Robinson

Sable being the absolutely gorgeous Moebius-inspired sci-fi game that's coming soon - we'll have plenty more about it on the site soon.

Martin Robinson

But also Japanese breakfasts are really poor.

Martin Robinson

Like pickles and soup and whatnot.

Martin Robinson

The disappointment from westerners when you see them line-up at a breakfast buffet in Japan is always palpable.

Martin Robinson

Fish flakes, not corn flakes. What's all that about?

Martin Robinson

Sorry this has turned into a casually racist 80s stand-up routine. Apologies.

Martin Robinson

I shall follow suit!

Martin Robinson

Here's another trailer!

Martin Robinson

And this one's not CG!

Martin Robinson

It is an MMO published by Amazon Studios tho...

Martin Robinson

That looks suitably nondescript.

Martin Robinson

I still believe.

Martin Robinson

Also, given that not-so-subtle tease back then maybe we will see something from Konami?

Martin Robinson

I mean I'd take a Xexex sequel.

Martin Robinson

Also does anyone want a longer version of it? Unless it's one of those amazing director's cuts that trims the length.

Martin Robinson

Something something Call of Duty Season 4.

Martin Robinson

minmax: I’m just here for Martin’s descent into offline boozing and barely concealed contempt for the entire industry :)

Happy to oblige! *takes a sip*

Martin Robinson

We're onto Call of Duty eSports now!

Martin Robinson

We've made it to a quarter of the way through though! Well done everyone.

Martin Robinson

'One thing everyone's been talking about online is who the captains will be' says Geoff.

Martin Robinson

I'm not on Twitter anymore, but... Is that true?

Martin Robinson

Ryan Reynolds here, with an Elden Ring joke - lol - and a plug for Free Guy.

Martin Robinson

The actually-pretty-decent-looking video game movie that was coming out last July then a bit later then a bit later and now is coming out this summer.

Martin Robinson

I can't believe it starts tomorrow! The hype seems to be pretty non-existent?

Martin Robinson

I played through all of England's qualifying matches with a friend last night in PES.

Martin Robinson

Which probably didn't help.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

A new mode for Among Us!

Martin Robinson

Just the one!

Martin Robinson

A little tiny one.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Ah wonderful, here's Shuhei Yoshida - who's now the head of indies at PlayStation.

Martin Robinson

Ah, it's been too long Shu!

Martin Robinson

Maybe put some pictures up on the wall though?

Martin Robinson

He might have just moved in, to be fair.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's really good, and we'll have a review for you on the site soon.

Martin Robinson

Sword and Sacrifice, the follow-up to Sword and Sanctuary, is getting its debut here.

Martin Robinson

I missed the original, to my shame, but this looks bloody splendid.

Martin Robinson

And bang! Here's a trailer for Solar Ash - the new game from the people behind the brilliant Hyper Light Drifter.

Martin Robinson

Confirmed for a 2021 release, it looks brilliantly fluid and bizarre. Yes please.

Martin Robinson

I suspect so...

Martin Robinson

Chivalry 2 gets a trailer as it gets released, and we're just getting a Valorant update.

Martin Robinson

Just under two hours, we believe.

Martin Robinson

That tease for a new agent in Valorant was a whole lot of shrug.

Martin Robinson

But behold! A look at the very atmospheric Streets of Tarkov, a forthcoming expansion for Escape from Tarkov.

Martin Robinson

Which I haven't played, but which I now might do something about after this show ends. This looks kind of brilliant?

Martin Robinson

I love a moody shooter.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

PickledShogun: My sister bought me a bottle of Prosecco as part of my birthday present. Even though the hay fever is playing up I'm tempted to crack it open. Never tried Prosecco before.

It's nice!

Martin Robinson

I wouldn't tackle a whole bottle though...

Martin Robinson

Here's the new game from Two Point Games - Two Point Campus. It's a CG trailer but I'll take it - it looks wonderful.

Martin Robinson

That would be quite something.

Martin Robinson

It's got a massive paella in it.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

And that's coming in 2022.

Martin Robinson

A tease for Netflix's forthcoming video game shows - there'll be more on it in a show tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

I won't be live reporting that. Sorry.

Martin Robinson

Are they going to do a Gradius show? I'd watch that.

Martin Robinson

I did actually watch Lensman the other day, the anime which informed so much of Gradius.

Martin Robinson

I got confused.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's a Stranger Things game perhaps? I thought we already got one of those.

Martin Robinson

Oh it's a Stranger Things-themed update for Smite.

Martin Robinson

We'll be sure to post everything for you on the site! Have a better evening!

Martin Robinson

Here's a new publisher in town!

Martin Robinson

And here's 12 games it's publishing.

Martin Robinson

Payday seems to be amidst that lot, and a few other familiar games.

Martin Robinson

So it's actually Koch Media.

Martin Robinson

And they forgot to announce Shenmue 4 *sadface*

Martin Robinson

Prime Matter is the name of the publisher, and we also get very brief news that a new Painkiller games is in the works.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's a cartoonish, slightly blunt looking four person co-op shooter.

Martin Robinson

The Anacrusis!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

minky-kong: Looks like shit sci-fi Left 4 Dead

You said it...

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

I can't believe it's only two weeks until F9 comes out.

Martin Robinson

Anyone else booked the Thursday it comes out off work?

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Sod you then. I'm excited!

Martin Robinson

Sharkmob's Vampire: The Masquerade battle royale up next - again, we'll have more on the site later tonight on this.

Martin Robinson

samharper: Disappointed in the lack of Conor Daly Rocket League DLC after he tried it in real life during the Indy 500


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

An update on the Dark Pictures series' latest instalment.

Martin Robinson

We're over halfway everyone! I'm so proud of each and every one of you.

Martin Robinson

Anyway yeah monsters in Iraq.

Martin Robinson

Sorry, I've turned this live report on a series of game adverts into an advert for Eurogamer.

Martin Robinson

Tales of Arise! Out later this year.

Martin Robinson

A Trails trailer!

Martin Robinson

mecha-blargh: " A Trails trailer! We have something special Falcom-themed coming up a bit later this month on the site." Tales (Bamco), Martin. Not Trails.

Ugh I'm an idiot. It's been a long week!

Martin Robinson

Though I'll be honest that massive error on my behalf just then did give me a bit of a jolt and woke me up.

Martin Robinson

I'd recommend making a huge cock up if you're also struggling to stay awake!

Martin Robinson

PickledShogun: I've just noticed that Geoff's trainers match his t-shirt

Ever the professional, our Geoff.

Martin Robinson

A new adventure game from publisher Thunderful, and it does look absolutley gorgeous.

Martin Robinson

Planet of Lana, which is now very much on my radar.

Martin Robinson

For all the snark - and I do apologise for it! - it's fantastic that this platform is being used to bring so many smaller games to attention.

Martin Robinson

And also Overwatch 2.

Martin Robinson

It'll be the closer, I'm sure.

Martin Robinson

The enjoyably chunky looking Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance gets a not-so-enjoyable celeb playthrough here.

Martin Robinson

Still, it's out soon! June 22nd, and it'll be on Game Pass too.

Martin Robinson

I haven't fallen asleep!

Martin Robinson

I just had to pop back into my house lol.

Martin Robinson

I don't think I missed much, mind - a Monster Hunter Stories 2 trailer.

Martin Robinson

weebleman: I wonder what geoff is watching in that thumbnail pic.

Koj, naturally.

Martin Robinson

Ah shit I just got back in time for Weezer. *sadface*

Martin Robinson

They've been shit since Matt Sharp left. There, I said it.

Martin Robinson

samharper: Please please please play some royalty free music over this

Would be up for that.

Martin Robinson

The first two albums are great!

Martin Robinson

This is dirge. Aren't they like 50 too?

Martin Robinson

Solid review, that.

Martin Robinson

I was so hung up on Weezer's zero energy performance there I missed Endless Dungeon, which looks fun.

Martin Robinson

All this and I'm missing some week 13 action in iRacing tonight.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

A reminder that we're only a day away from Ratchet & Clank: A Rift Apart's release!

Martin Robinson

It's Maximum Overdrive's Giancarlo Esposito!

Martin Robinson

One of the worst things you'll ever have to do as a games jurnlist.

Martin Robinson

Is the 'celeb' interview.

Martin Robinson

Witness nothing be said beyond a few parroted lines!

Martin Robinson

Fall Guys is getting a Nier costume!

Martin Robinson

This isn't good is it?

Martin Robinson

A quick ad for Genshin Impact there.

Martin Robinson

Some ex-Treyarch devs are here to lift the lid on their new studio - Deviation Games.

Martin Robinson

Aye, some of the smaller games have been genuinely wonderful - and there's still time for something a bit more headline-grabbing.

Martin Robinson

They have nothing to show.

Martin Robinson

Ah, they're a PlayStation studio - first-party perhaps?

Martin Robinson

I love Renault Lagunas! Will it look good with the classic BTCC Nescafe livery?

Martin Robinson

And as if this event wasn't cursed enough.

Martin Robinson

Here's the music of Sonic Unleashed performed by a live orchestra.

Martin Robinson

Would anyone mind if I did some heroin? Just to take the edge off.

Martin Robinson

Fuchs84: Is this the worst gaming event ever?

It's having a crack at the title!

Martin Robinson

Back4Blood getting a new CG trailer here.

Martin Robinson

Ah, we are seeing some gameplay - and it does look as entertaining as it did when we first saw it eaerlier this year.

Martin Robinson

Oh Tunic!

Martin Robinson

Dear Tunic! I'd forgotten all about you!

Martin Robinson

This really looks delightful.

Martin Robinson

There's a new demo coming for EVERYONE to enjoy!*

Martin Robinson

*everyone with an Xbox

Martin Robinson

PickledShogun: It's no Giant Enemy Crabs, daft Halo tattoos and embarrassing Wii-mote demos is it?

If only we had something so memorable!

Martin Robinson

I do miss the chaos of live shows.

Martin Robinson

This is slick and professionally done - so credit to Geoff and team for pulling it all off, as it's an incredible undertaking.

Martin Robinson

But it's not getting the heart racing is it?

Martin Robinson

Hang on, my heart's racing.

Martin Robinson

It's Evil Dead: The Game.

Martin Robinson

With Bruce Campbell looking more and more like Morrissey.

Martin Robinson

Like a less problematic Morrissey.

Martin Robinson

With a chainsaw for an arm.

Martin Robinson

It's from Saber Interactive - where Tim Willits is now, which is news to me! - and it looks like a slick and enjoyable third-person action game with its tongue firmly in its cheek.

Martin Robinson

Which is what you want, really.

Martin Robinson

Anyway here's Elden Ring.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It looks exactly what you'd imagine a new FromSoft game to look like. With horses and a bit more fancy lighting.

Martin Robinson

I'm not complaining.

Martin Robinson

And we even get a release date.

Martin Robinson

January 21st, 2022.

Martin Robinson

It's cross-gen.

Martin Robinson

And I'm sure we'll be seeing more next week.

Martin Robinson

That went in such a blur I couldn't pick out too many details - I can't wait to watch through the trailer again once this has wrapped.

Martin Robinson

And oh my god it's about to wrap.

Martin Robinson

We did it everyone!

Martin Robinson

It was in the end, wasn't it?

Martin Robinson

themightyant: Thanks all and thanks Martin. Whisky time!

Hang on! I thought whisky time kicked off at 7!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Elden Ring stole the headlines, but a shout out to Salt and Sacrifice, Planet of Lana and Metal Slug Tactics which all looked sublime.

Martin Robinson

And we all get to play Tunic next week! See, it's not all bad is it?

Martin Robinson

Thanks for joining me here tonight. I'm off to get some rest before the onslaught of shows over the weekend and beyond - hope to see some of you back here then!

Martin Robinson

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