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E3 2021: Square Enix Presents live report

Join us live from 8.15pm BST.

E3 rumbles on with another showcase, this time from Square Enix. Will there be more Marvel-based shenanigans, or maybe a closer look at Final Fantasy 16 in action. Join us live from 8.15pm BST to find out!

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Well hi there!

Martin Robinson

Did you miss me?

Martin Robinson

It's been all of, what, 30 minutes?

Martin Robinson

This is being hosted by Marvel on their own YouTube channel as well.

Martin Robinson

Which suggests... something?

Martin Robinson

AquinasBatman: it was an hour, Mr Robinson. AN HOUR

It felt like a lifetime. So glad to be back!

Martin Robinson

What I expect - a big update on Life is Strange True Colours, a proper look at that Babylon Falls thing and updates on the likes of Neo: The World Ends With You and even time for a plug of the PS5 version of FF7.

Martin Robinson

What I'd like - a Balan Wonderworld follow-up.

Martin Robinson

Straight in with Eidos Montreal's new joint.

Martin Robinson

Which is Guardians of the Galaxy, I'm sure you've figured out by now.

Martin Robinson

Unlike The Avongers this is more of a traditional campaign thing I believe.

Martin Robinson

Still looks a bit Avongers-y to me.

Martin Robinson

It remains an odd aesthetic choice to copy the movies in some ways and deviate where it sort of matters.

Martin Robinson

Gourdians of the Goloxy.

Martin Robinson

It does look good though, and it's out in October.

Martin Robinson

Another game to play this year!

Martin Robinson

And in what will be music to a lot of people's ears, it is a single player joint.

Martin Robinson

I don't know who Dan Abnett is - but I know Wes rates him.

Martin Robinson

Sorry, I'm not very good on comic book stuff unless it's Superman.

Martin Robinson

This looks a lot more promising than The Avengers - which never looked that bad, really.

Martin Robinson

Just really, really odd.

Martin Robinson

Starlord just looks like another turn for Troy Baker. I hope it's not Troy Baker.

Martin Robinson

Well, that's a fine reveal - and a proper new game we'll get to play this year.

Martin Robinson

We're going to get a proper deep dive into this, by the way - possibly around 20 minutes worth.

Martin Robinson

So be prepared!

Martin Robinson

You make big decisions in-game - as to who gets to join you in missions.

Martin Robinson

Deadman316: Do you mean proper as hopefully not online and pay to win!

Well yeah, basically!

Martin Robinson

In a similar theme to some other shows this year, I expect Square Enix to go big on this, and there'll be some other small scraps besides.

Martin Robinson

As this is their big bet for 2021. It looks good too!

Martin Robinson

There will be a fair bit more of it!

Martin Robinson

I like space stuff. Space stuff is cool.

Martin Robinson

But also there's something slightly wafty about the combat.

Martin Robinson

I can't complain about this protracted gameplay demo.

Martin Robinson

Seeing as I've spent the last few E3 shows complaining about everything being pre-rendered.

Martin Robinson

That's looking very frame-y, as Digital Foundry might say.

Martin Robinson

Same here, it's the sort of breezy fun I'd want from a Marvel game rather than some grindy game as a service joint.

Martin Robinson

When does it come to Game Pass?

Martin Robinson

It's another area where it skims a bit close to the movies - but then again I've never read the comics so what do I know!

Martin Robinson

That was Guardians of the Galaxy - coming this October.

Martin Robinson

It feels sort of quaint with its Telltale influences, but it looks like something I'd very much like to play.

Martin Robinson

Oh hang on!

Martin Robinson

It's still going on.

Martin Robinson

This is still Guardians of the Galaxy.

Martin Robinson

Oh wait they've finished now!

Martin Robinson

Oh here's some Final Fantasy remasters!

Martin Robinson

Are they the terrible mobile remasters?

Martin Robinson

Who knows!

Martin Robinson

And the Legend of Mana remake!

Martin Robinson

I'm really curious as to what those Pixel Remasters were.

Martin Robinson

I'd love an FF6 remaster done in the style of Octopath.

Martin Robinson

Umang: they're still pushing that Avengers game? lol

It cost a lot of money *sadface*

Martin Robinson

An Avengers update - and we do get to see more of the Wakanda expansion fans have been eagerly waiting for.

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan: 20 Minutes for Guardians of the Galaxy, 20 seconds for Final Fantasy if you're wondering where Square Enix is these days.

We could still have a 40 minute blow out on FF16 revealing that Matsuno is back and it's a return to Ivalice!

Martin Robinson

Or we could just have whatever those PC/mobile Final Fantasy ports are.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Which means I might take a toilet break.

Martin Robinson

Hi I'm back!

Martin Robinson

And just in time for Platinum Games' new joint, Babylon Falls.

Martin Robinson

TBH this looks annoying.

Martin Robinson

Why do voice actors in video games have to be so annoying.

Martin Robinson

This is what Scalebound could have been.

Martin Robinson

With the guy from Current 93 screaming over the top.

Martin Robinson

This is a bit of a mess of a reveal - it looks janky and unfocussed.

Martin Robinson

Well, the new is it's coming to PS5 as well as PS4 and PC.

Martin Robinson

That sounds good!

Martin Robinson

I'm a bit on the fence about this - but Platinum games often prove me wrong.

Martin Robinson

I was not into Astral Chain at all in the lead up to release, then I ended up falling head over heels with it.

Martin Robinson

Here's a healthy dose of Life is Strange to bring us home.

Martin Robinson

Life is Strange is another series which looks absolutely splendid but which I feel bad about never actually playing.

Martin Robinson

Ugh there are so many good video games. I shouild probably stop playing just iRacing, Gradius and Virtua Fighter.

Martin Robinson

Probably won't though.

Martin Robinson

It does seem that way - a confusing, confounding reveal, but I'm fascinated to see what Platinum can do on new-ish turf.

Martin Robinson

Deadman316: If you have gamepass, play Tell Me Why. It’s free and most importantly, excellent!

That's another game I feel bad about not playing!

Martin Robinson

Oooooh you kids these days don't know how good you've got it.

Martin Robinson

Having said that, conferences used to be a bit more lol back in my day.

Martin Robinson

Deadman316: I remember the days of text adventures. Damn lucky kids these days!

We didn't even have text in my day. It was just ones and zeroes!

Martin Robinson

Oh hold on we're getting a proper new reveal!

Martin Robinson

It's a Nomura game!

Martin Robinson

Oh it's that Nioh re-skinned as Final Fantasy game!

Martin Robinson

What is wrong with colours?

Martin Robinson

What did colours ever do to this game.

Martin Robinson

Some big PS2 weird spin-off vibes from this.

Martin Robinson

Which, again, might be a good thing.

Martin Robinson

Who knows!

Martin Robinson

Stranger of Paradise, Final Fantasy Emo, coming in 2022.

Martin Robinson

Cross-platform, with a demo on PS5 soon.

Martin Robinson

Not totally sold on that, but will be fascinated to see how it pans out.

Martin Robinson

And that's pretty much a wrap on that - a decent show, I thought.

Martin Robinson

Guardians of the Galaxy looks like breezy fun!

Martin Robinson

Er, what else was there?

Martin Robinson

Oh those Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters they didn't want to show.

Martin Robinson

Okay so that was a bit weird. But good! Ish...

Martin Robinson

We'll leave you here. And go get acquainted with this bottle of wine.

Martin Robinson

I have learned from past mistakes and will not be here for the Future Games Show or PC Gaming Show later on.

Martin Robinson

If you're powering through - more power to you.

Martin Robinson

But also will you never learn?

Martin Robinson

Kami: G'night Martin!

Good night to you, and to all you lovely people! I'll be back for the Nintendo Direct on Tuesday - see you then!

Martin Robinson

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