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E3 2021: Xbox and Bethesda Showcase live report

Here come the big guns! Join us live from 6pm BST.

It's been a funny old start to the E3 shenanigans so far, but things promise to move up a gear or two tonight with Microsoft and Bethesda's showcase. Starfield, Halo Infinite, perhaps the next Forza and who knows what else? It's going to be fun! Join us from 6pm BST.

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Oi oi!

Martin Robinson

Sorry, feeling a bit rowdy after an afternoon in the sun followed up by the football. It's all a bit 1996 isn't it?

Martin Robinson

Maybe we'll get a proper 1996 conference too with Quake and Tomb Raider and, er, some Elder Scrolls.

Martin Robinson

I'd be happy with that.

Martin Robinson

Also Phil Spencer getting wrecked in the dentist's chair. That'd be fun.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, what we will get is Starfield.

Martin Robinson

How much of it I don't know - I'd love to see it in action.

Martin Robinson

And of course some has leaked online already - I won't spoil it here.

Martin Robinson

I've just watched the trailer that's 'leaked' and I'll be honest, I'm none the wiser myself.

Martin Robinson

Kami: I'd be down with a Tomb Raider if we go back to old-school Lara. I miss her.

Bring back Keeley Hawes!

Martin Robinson

themightyant: Martin thankfully you didn’t have to cover the Koch media presentation, it was woeful

We were lucky enough to have a heads-up on that. And to steer well clear.

Martin Robinson

In another example of my terrible taste in films - and why we still don't write about films and such on Eurogamer - I really like Prometheus.

Martin Robinson

Well, maybe not *really* like. It's pretty and it's interesting.

Martin Robinson

I am 100 per cent here for the new look at Halo Infinite.

Martin Robinson

As an example of my terrible taste in video games and why I shouldn't be allowed to write about them - I didn't think Halo Infinite looked that bad in that infamous showing.

Martin Robinson

The action looked on point and that's enough for me really.

Martin Robinson

So yeah, I'm easily impressed - and I'm looking forward to being wowed by whatever 343 will be sharing tonight.

Martin Robinson

I'm also hopeful of a glimpse of the next gen of Forza - and also whatever is next for Forza Horizon.

Martin Robinson

Plus Microsoft has a whole load of new studios to keep us updated on.

Martin Robinson

And it's a safe bet that family of studios will have expanded before the end of the night.

Martin Robinson

Well, less than a minute to go - buckle up, it should be a fun ride!

Martin Robinson

Should something be happening about now?

Martin Robinson

Ah, I've just got to the countdown.

Martin Robinson

How can you be late to your own scheduled video premiere?

Martin Robinson

Quite impressive really.

Martin Robinson

Anyway I'm getting some funky 70s testcard vibes from this countdown screen so we're all good.

Martin Robinson

Would be up for the Just Dance opener we were robbed of last night.

Martin Robinson

Also I'm reminded how good it was for Ubisoft to switch the comments off its show last night.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Here's Todd fronting up the show!

Martin Robinson

Well that is surprising!

Martin Robinson

And his t-shirt is carefully concealed behind a hoodie that looks ready to be unzipped at any point.

Martin Robinson

Hopefully to reveal 'ROGUE WARRIOR 2'.

Martin Robinson

Until then here's that teaser of Starfield that leaked about an hour ago.

Martin Robinson

I was actually well-behaved and skipped watching the leaked trailer.

Martin Robinson

This doesn't give away much, but it does seem like an enjoyably grounded branch of sci-fi.

Martin Robinson

Starfield is a next-gen exclusive.

Martin Robinson

And it's coming 11th November 2022.

Martin Robinson

And it's Xbox exclusive too - so no PlayStation versions.

Martin Robinson

Well that answers that particular query around the Xbox/Bethesda deal!

Martin Robinson

30 titles being shown tonight - 27 for Game Pass.

Martin Robinson

Sorry, I just got so excited for this look at Stalker 2 I shut down the tap I was live reporting in.

Martin Robinson

I'm whooping and hollering here from home if that's any help?

Martin Robinson

This looks simply phenomenal.

Martin Robinson

It's got the bleak, weary tone down pat, and it's matched with artwork that's melancholy in its beauty and oh please when can I play this.

Martin Robinson

Malek86: It does look like next gen Stalker and that's all I need tbf


Martin Robinson

Read the book! Watch the film! Play the games!

Martin Robinson

They're all winners. This looks like an excellent extension of them too.

Martin Robinson

Another 2022 game - 28th April this time.

Martin Robinson

Yourtoastisonfire: Is that the game based on roadside picnic?

It is indeed!

Martin Robinson

That was an electric look at Stalker 2 there - I'm sure it's put the game on a lot of people's radars.

Martin Robinson

Here's the meaty looking Back 4 Blood, which is looking set for a day one release on Game Pass.

Martin Robinson

Which will help its chances over something like Evolve, of course.

Martin Robinson

Also helps that this is a heap load of chunky co-op fun - I really enjoyed what I played of it earlier this year.

Martin Robinson

October 12th release - and it is indeed coming to Game Pass on day one.

Martin Robinson

Onto an Xbox console exclusive!

Martin Robinson

From Avalanche Studios - who may well have just joined the Xbox family.

Martin Robinson

Avalanche being the lovely Swedish bunch behind Just Cause and the brilliant Mad Max.

Martin Robinson

Contraband, it's called - it looks Just Cause-y in spirit and tone, but I guess we'll have to wait a while until we find out what it's really about.

Martin Robinson

Here's an update on Sea of Thieves - one of the dozens of truly exceptional games as a service available right now that I feel terrible for not keeping on top of.

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan: I continue to be absolutely fascinated by the concept of game pass.

There's a good piece on about it all if you ever want to find out more!

Martin Robinson

Oh it's a Pirates of the Caribbean crossover! That makes a lot of sense!

Martin Robinson

I don't think that's Johnny Depp tho.

Martin Robinson

Sea of Thieves: A Pirates Life - coming on June 22nd for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING YOU SPOILT BRATS.

Martin Robinson

Here's more Yakuza coming to game pass! There's so much Yakuza!

Martin Robinson

I really enjoyed Like a Dragon but I bounced off after about 30 hours. It's so much Yakuza!

Martin Robinson

Here's your first look at Battlefield 2042 in action.

Martin Robinson

I was fortunate enough to see this a couple of week's ago - it's much more convincing than the CG trailer they put out.

Martin Robinson

Although I'm still not convinved by the hero characters.

Martin Robinson

iconld: Yakuza 7! Be sure to play with original Japanese voices.. it's magnificent!

Seconding this!

Martin Robinson

barchetta: I hadn't realised Y7 was so balls out weird. Are they all like that?


Martin Robinson

Anyway, this looks a lot like Battlefield 4 right?

Martin Robinson

Like Paracel Storm and Siege of Shanghai mashed up together. With moar graphics.

Martin Robinson

I think it looks like a lot of fun.

Martin Robinson

And here's Psychonauts 2!

Martin Robinson

A brief arty interlude for Twelve Minutes from Annapurna.

Martin Robinson

That's what I wrote right?

Martin Robinson

(Thank heavens for the edit button).

Martin Robinson

Pete Hines, who I'm not afraid to say I'm slightly afraid of, is here for an update on Bethesda.

Martin Robinson

It is quite something to have the two conferences smooshed together.

Martin Robinson

Doom Eternal is coming to Game Pass - and it's getting a Series S/X update towards the end of the month on June 29th.

Martin Robinson

120fps, raytracing, 4K - all that jazz.

Martin Robinson

Oh and there's Fallout 76 too.

Martin Robinson

Apparently it's quite good now!

Martin Robinson

Sorry I closed my tab again, but not because I was overexcited this time.

Martin Robinson

I thought that might be Fallout 5 but of course it was an expansion for Fallout 76! Looked decent!

Martin Robinson

Onto The Elder Scrolls Online - again, supposed to be very good, again I feel terrible for not having the time to play it - gets a new trailer.

Martin Robinson

Here's an unexpected party game announcement! And what looks like Gang Beasts prettied up.

Martin Robinson

And Hades! Which you really shouild play if you haven't already.

Martin Robinson

It's coming to Xbox on August 13th!

Martin Robinson

A console launch exclusive up next.

Martin Robinson

It's Somervile - which, as you might have already guessed, comes from some former Playdead people.

Martin Robinson

Beautiful, moody, apocalyptic. It ticks all the right boxes!

Martin Robinson

God it does and that is high praise indeed.

Martin Robinson

That's coming in 2022 - and to Game Pass.

Martin Robinson

Oh my! I think we might be about to see Halo!

Martin Robinson

Halo Infinite multiplayer will be free-to-play.

Martin Robinson

I believe that was expected.

Martin Robinson

Or it could be a really short conference!

Martin Robinson

But yes it is promising.

Martin Robinson

Well here are those graphics you asked for.

Martin Robinson

I agree 100 per cent!

Martin Robinson

There's a new blue lady!

Martin Robinson

Already the internet is doing fanart of the new blue lady and why is the internet like this.

Martin Robinson

The multiplayer and campaign are launching together, contraty to some other reports.

Martin Robinson

Though there's still no commitment to a date beyond 'this holiday'.

Martin Robinson

Well I'm looking to book a couple of days off next week so it might be then!

Martin Robinson

Grapples are really back in fashion aren't they?

Martin Robinson

This year's bow and arrow.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, they do make a fine addition to Halo's multiplayer,. which looks frankly outrageous.

Martin Robinson

And of course both the campaign and the multiplayer will be on Game Pass.

Martin Robinson

But the multiplayher is already free-to-play. Does that count?

Martin Robinson

Anyway, I'm looking forward to that.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Really bringing the 1996 vibes I'm after.

Martin Robinson

Moody as hell.

Martin Robinson

Now here's the next game from the developers of Microsoft Flight Simulator!

Martin Robinson

It's a new A Plague Tale!

Martin Robinson

This is captured in-engine, apparently - it looks damn pretty.

Martin Robinson

It's Game Pass day one - and coming to Series S/X and Xbox Cloud gaming. So a next gen exclusive, I guess?

Martin Robinson

Here's some of the Far Cry 6 gameplay that was seemingly missing from last night's Ubisoft show.

Martin Robinson

It looks like a very pretty Far Cry.

Martin Robinson

AquinasBatman: Far Cry more like 'Far Cry From Having a Map Editor' God I won't let that go

It's okay to have a bit of a scream every now and then.

Martin Robinson

Next is something from Monomi Park - the devs behind Slime Rancher.

Martin Robinson

And it looks like more Slime Rancher!

Martin Robinson

Or Slime Rancher 2, as it's also known. Another one coming to Game Pass on day one.

Martin Robinson

And another console launch exclusive!

Martin Robinson

It's Steep!

Martin Robinson

Oh no hang on it looks more like a spiritual successor to SSX.

Martin Robinson

Or a 1080 Snowboarding even.

Martin Robinson

It looks awesome - Shredders, it's called.

Martin Robinson

And it looks set for a release this December - and yes, that's another game coming to Game Pass on day one.

Martin Robinson

Batshit first-person shooter Atomic Heart is next - another candidate for Game Pass?

Martin Robinson

And now!

Martin Robinson

I mean I don't know what this is - it's from Coatsink who did Phogs and I thought it might be The Last Night but who knows.

Martin Robinson

All I know is that it looks absolutely chuffing brilliant with its 2D artwork mixed with swizzy camerawork and it's called Replaced and is coming out next year.

Martin Robinson

That was a banger.

Martin Robinson

A Grounded update!

Martin Robinson

Here's another game that looks great that I feel bad for not keeping on top of.

Martin Robinson

The Shroom and Doom update, which brings achievements and sitting, is coming on June 30th.

Martin Robinson

Among Us I guess IDK.

Martin Robinson

I'm guessing it's 90 minutes, at this pace.

Martin Robinson

This 3D/2D artstyle is really catching on isn't it? After Octopath Traveller it's seemingly everywhere - like in Eiyuden Chronicle.

Martin Robinson

There's a full game coming in 2023, with a lead-in prologue due in 2022.

Martin Robinson

That's new to me, and it looks lush. Now, The Ascent!

Martin Robinson

Another one for Game Pass on day one.

Martin Robinson

Now what is this?

Martin Robinson

A new Age of Empires perhaps?

Martin Robinson

Apologies, I had to go do some dad stuff - and I just missed The Outer Worlds 2 reveal!

Martin Robinson

But I sort of knew about that already so it's fine.

Martin Robinson

The most important thing is I'm here to see news of Microsoft Flight Simulator on console.

Martin Robinson

This really has been one of my favourite games of the last 12 months - it's a phenomenal thing.

Martin Robinson

A thing of endless beauty and wonder.

Martin Robinson

And also chill as anything.

Martin Robinson

Like how could you now want to play that?

Martin Robinson

It's coming to console on July 27th.

Martin Robinson

Along with some big boy jet planes.

Martin Robinson

I am so, so excited.

Martin Robinson

Ah, a Top Gun Maverick expansion. Yes please very much so.

Martin Robinson

Oh wow that was so awesome.

Martin Robinson

And they're going straight into Forza, becuase they know they're pushing all my buttons.

Martin Robinson

It looks like Forza Horizon goes South America.

Martin Robinson

Which oddly enough makes it look a lot like DriveClub. RIP you beautiful thing.

Martin Robinson

Big weather seems to be the new addition - storms that roll in across the horizon.

Martin Robinson

Oh and a volcano too why not.

Martin Robinson

It's coming November 9th. THIS YEAR.

Martin Robinson

It's down in Mexico - and we're going to be shown it in the fancy new Mercedes Hypercar.

Martin Robinson

Which makes me remember I just missed the end of the 8 hours of Portimao.

Martin Robinson

Anyway here's some gameplay!

Martin Robinson

Expeditions are new - they look like fairly chill co-op events.

Martin Robinson

Forza Horizon 4 is such a perfect game that I sort of don't know where they can take it next.

Martin Robinson

Of course, I'm excited to find out. More graphics is obviously the first point of order - and there are lots of graphics!

Martin Robinson

The map features the highest point in the Forza Horizon series so far - which is an excuse to show off some plentiful draw distance on Series S and X.

Martin Robinson

There are a lot of trailers shown tonight I can't wait to watch properly and not on a tiny window on my PC!

Martin Robinson

I would love to see it but I think it's a small while off - I think there might be room for one more surprise though!

Martin Robinson

And I'm probably wrong anyway.

Martin Robinson

Back to Horizon 5 - it's got a multiplayer suite you can edit, sort of like Dirt 5's recent efforts.

Martin Robinson

75 minutes in and Phil Spencer only just rocked up - fair play for not taking the limelight.

Martin Robinson

Lovely to see you anyway!

Martin Robinson

The t-shirt is a simple one celebrating the 20th anniversary of Xbox.

Martin Robinson

That was all you're going to see of Fable tonight I reckon - a brief glimpse as Phil runs through all the RPG talent in Xbox Game Studios.

Martin Robinson

I was hoping we might get to see a bit of the next gen of Forza Motorsport, but I guess that's still a way off.

Martin Robinson

And there is one more thing.

Martin Robinson

A new game from Arkane - one of the best devs out there, for my money.

Martin Robinson

This conference really has pushed all my buttons - getting to see the new Arkane is pretty much as good as it gets from me.

Martin Robinson

It's a punky sci-fi thing, by the looks of it.

Martin Robinson

Also it might be too early for gameplay as we're being treated to a strictly CG trailer.

Martin Robinson

Oh when I said sci-fi... It's got vampires in it!

Martin Robinson

It looks like a Left4Dead-esque affair from this trailer but who knows!

Martin Robinson

Well, vampires are more interesting than zombies at least.

Martin Robinson

It looks like someone has an exploding umbrella in it, so I'll take that.

Martin Robinson

And that is Redfall.

Martin Robinson

It's Series S/X, PC and in what's a trend tonight Xbox Cloud gaming - so no Xbox One.

Martin Robinson

That was a very good show.

Martin Robinson

And when you consider the background of the pandemic it's been produced against, it's mighty impressive - there's some great games on the horizon for Xbox.

Martin Robinson

A CG trailer took the wind out of the show's sails a bit, but Redfall still looks plenty decent.

Martin Robinson

And we get to play a new Forza Horizon this year!

Martin Robinson

Not bad, Microsoft, not bad.

Martin Robinson

I'm just going to log off quickly before Square Enix starts shortly - thanks for joining me here, and hope to see some of you again a bit later!

Martin Robinson

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